«Thank you for everything, they were wonderful years»

A long post to say goodbye to the offices of mayor and from Palazzo Carafa, a Lecceand thank collaborators and supporters. Carlo Salvemini has entrusted to social media, thanks to which he has told in recent years his administrative experience and that of the progressive front in the government of the capital city of the Salentohis first words after the ballot last Sunday and Monday, gathering thousands of likes in a few minutes.

What he said

«I emptied the room where I served my city for six and a half years. I greeted my closest collaborators with inevitable emotion and thanked them for what they had given me in this experience.
I walked through the corridors of Palazzo Carafa with a trolley of documents and memories and I left behind the most intense experience of my life – wrote Salvemini -. I come out different from how I entered. An old political adage says: in the rooms of power you usually enter with the maximum popularity and the minimum knowledge and you leave with the minimum popularity and the maximum knowledge. In part it was like that for me too,
that I also had administrative political experience and was narrowly defeated.”

«I responded to all the messages and phone calls received: friends, supporters, ordinary citizens, public officials, Italian mayors, political leaders, ANCI managers, journalists. A wave of attestation of esteem and consideration that moved me for its objective spontaneity and sincerity. I organized a trip to Milan with Jac – he continued, referring to his teenage son – to attend a concert by an American musician who of course I don’t know. We have moments all to ourselves to recover. I sat at my desk in the company, at the job that gave me satisfaction and independence until I was 50. it is always thought that whoever wears the tricolor sash is a political professional. It is not so. To be a mayor requires absolute dedication which does not allow you to deal with anything else. Now that the experience is over we return to where we were in our previous life.
I hugged my most important companions on this long journey that began for a few moments in 2010 (we started from afar, yes) and which has always seen us united until the most prestigious commitment. I asked a lot from them and certainly obtained more than I was able to give back. I thanked them for this with wet eyes.
I began to feel the relief that comes from the awareness that from today I will no longer be judged, criticized, evaluated, mocked, offended, advised 24 hours a day. Little by little the attention will shift towards other targets.”

The future

Then a reference, still vague, to the future: «I’ve been thinking about how to close this week which opened on Monday with the result of the ballot. I still need a few hours to decide what to organize to reiterate and remember that we have lost but we don’t feel lost. because our home is always the city. In short, we move forward in all possible directions: personal, professional, collective, political. Because it is only into the future that we can go.
“You don’t change the past, but if you change the present you end up changing the future too.” Thanks for everything, they were wonderful years.”


Read the full article at
Daily Newspaper of Puglia

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