Sassari Weather, forecast for tomorrow Thursday 27 June

The weather forecast for Thursday 27 June in Sassari show generally stable and sunny conditions for most of the day. Partly cloudy skies are expected in the morning with cloud cover around 50%. Temperatures will remain pleasant, with values ​​varying between +18.8°C and +29.6°C. The perception of the temperature will be similar to the actual one, with a light breeze that can be felt especially in the central hours of the day.

In the afternoon the sky will free itself from the clouds, giving an abundant dose of sunshine to the city of Sassari. Maximum temperatures will be around +29.6°C, guaranteeing a warm but not excessively muggy day. The wind will blow at moderate speed coming mainly from north-northwest.

In the evening, the sky will remain clear with a light presence of scattered clouds. Temperatures will gradually drop, but will still remain pleasant, with values ​​around +21°C. The wind will still be present, but with gradually decreasing intensity.

In conclusion, the weather forecast for Sassari they indicate a day full of sunshine and pleasant temperatures. The weather conditions are confirmed to be stable for the next few days too, with clear skies and temperatures that will remain at similar values. It is advisable to fully enjoy these favorable conditions to spend pleasant moments outdoors.

All the weather data for Thursday 27 June in Sassari

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