The Pescara crime, the two arrested attacked the dying 17-year-old Thomas – News

The Pescara crime, the two arrested attacked the dying 17-year-old Thomas – News
The Pescara crime, the two arrested attacked the dying 17-year-old Thomas – News

Fifteen stab wounds delivered by one, ten by the other. He spat on the dying victim on the ground and even spat on an unlit cigarette on his face. Then, once at the seaside, macabre jokes about how the boy had been reduced to.
Less than two days after the murder of Christopher Thomas Lucianithe 17 year old from Rosciano killed on Sunday afternoon with 25 stab wounds in a park in the center of Pescara, new details emerge about the crime. The Abruzzo newspaper ‘il Centro’ revealed them in today’s edition.

THE horrific details of the crime I am contained in the arrest decree where it is underlined that the two 15 year olds “competing with each other”, killed Christopher Thomas Luciani “with 25 stab wounds”, “inflicting torture and operating with cruelty, by kicking and spitting while he was lying lifeless on the ground”. “What emerges is the absence of emotional empathy with an event of such unprecedented brutality, such as to rant about the body, going to the bathing establishment to swim in the sea, without calling for help or reporting the event to the authorities, rather chatting with macabre irony in the event that just happened”, reads the decree.

The death rattles of Thomas and the two 15-year-olds telling him “shut up”. This is the story of the witness of the terrible crime in Pescara. “I was shocked, I wanted to stop them but I didn’t know how. It seemed like they were out of their minds”, said the young man who then raised the alarm. And he added: “Despite what had happened, we went to the sea to swim” and there one of the two alleged murderers “got rid of the knife that he had wrapped in a blood-stained sock, leaving it behind the rocks”.

“He said it had become a matter of respect for him.” She was in fact the victim who had to give 250 euros to one of the two 16-year-old boys investigated for the murder of Thomas Luciani which occurred on Sunday evening in Pescara. This can be read in the reports of the interrogations to which the other children involved in the affair were subjected on Sunday night. According to the reconstruction, everyone met at the Pescara station and from there they went to Baden Powell Park: one of the two boys under investigation already had the knife. When they ask the boy witnesses why one of the two, despite having no credit towards the victim and not even knowing him, took the knife and also slashed Thomas on the ground, the answer was “because they are friends”. From the reports it emerges that the ‘creditor’ was a small-time drug dealer as was the victim.

On the use of drugsas probable contributing cause of the factsone of the witnesses was clear: “I didn’t smoke drugs. While we were together they didn’t use drugs. Later they smoked weed, but not me.”

Furthermore, from the reports of the interrogations of the young witnesses it emerges that the two would have told their friends about the stabbings, it is not known whether to brag.

“Justice will come to light sooner or later. I hope.” This is how Olga, grandmother of Christopher Thomas Luciani, addresses her grandson’s murderers, interviewed by Tgr Abruzzo. “You can’t kill a boy like that. He was tiny, very small – he recalls – He was a golden boy. He had the crickets that all boys of this age have. He wasn’t a drug addict and he wasn’t a drug addict. He was three and a half years old when I got him. I raised him, I was his mother.”

To know more The-Pescara-crime-the-two-arrested-attac ANSA Agency Thomas, 16 years old fleeing from a dead-end life – News – He lived with his grandmother, studied to be a hairdresser and loved football (ANSA)

When asked if the mother will come here, the woman replies: “she is asking me something impossible, she doesn’t want to see her son in a coffin”.

From the reconstructions it emerges that Thomas Luciani had escaped last week from a community for minors in Limosano, a small municipality in the province of Campobasso where everyone knew him. He had a passion for football and often played football with the foreign guests of another non-profit organization that takes care of young unaccompanied migrants.

For some time the boy, resident in Rosciano (Pescara), had been living in Limosano in the community for minors separated from their families, Il Piccolo Principe.

“Two excellences of our small municipality – defined them by the mayor Angela Amoroso, saddened by the death of the boy stabbed to death by two teenagers in Pescara – I knew him and I saw him playing football with the other guest boys. On Friday the boy removed from Limosano, causing him to disappear immediately.

Mantua, events like Thomas repeat themselves systematically

“We were shocked by the latest news story, which re-emerges how serious the drug issue is today, which concerns the death of 16-year-old Thomas in Pescara. It is not a story of degradation because the families of the alleged murderers are families who with language usual we would define as good and now they are in desperation like Thomas’s family. It is a story that is the outcome of a choice and is systematically repeated because for years if not decades in which road accidents with an unexplained cause and murders have occurred. due to the total absence of inhibitory brakes they have only one common thread which is drug taking”. Thus the undersecretary to the Presidency of the Council Alfredo Mantovano, at the conference on the annual report to Parliament on the phenomenon of drug addiction in Italy 2024.

Messages and flowers for Thomas at Baden Powell park

A city in shock. This is how Pescara appears less than two days after the brutal murder of Thomas Luciani. Walking through the streets of the Adriatic capital, the terrible news story is one of the main topics of conversation.

There are many posts and comments on press articles on social media. The main themes brought up by users, in addition to safety in the city, are youth discomfort, the role of parents and that of the school. There were also many tickets and bouquets of flowers, red and white, left at the “Baden Powell” park in via Raffaello, a few minutes from the city centre.

“From this moment everyone will go back to living their lives normally, in a society that they left us broken. What do we want to do with its pieces? Unjustifiable.” This is one of the notes left in the park. “You will never be alone again. You will never be forgotten in my heart again, I love you” reads another.

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