Roller Hockey World Cup, PCI: “Is Novara ready?”

The Italian Communist Party section of Novara is wondering about the next roller hockey world championships that will take place in the city.

Press release

“Sport is everyone’s heritage, its competitive manifestation should be a source of unity of interest at various levels, events that bring prestige to a community must be taken into consideration with due attention in order not to cause damage to the image of the same territory.

The Italian Communist Party of the city of Novara is concerned about the management of the Roller Hockey World Championships which will take place in the city in September.
Anyone who lives in this area, anyone who has their roots among the rice fields from Novara to Vercelli knows how important sport is for this land, which historically is an excellence under our dome.

We are just over three months away from the start of the world competition and it seems that the promoting committee has only been set up by the Municipality.
We ask that the Mayor, the council and the councilor can reassure our sporting community on some points that we consider important so as not to arrive unprepared for this very important appointment.
We do not ask for an accounting of the funds received to make this occasion a showcase of our city and of Roller Hockey, we remember that the sporting competition in the context of the Roller World Championships which will take place throughout Italy in its various disciplines from Rome to Rimini touching other cities will have television visibility on state channels; we instead ask if there is time and the works have already been entrusted to bring the “Stefano Dal Lago” sports hall up to standard at least to pay homage to his memory.

Toilet services, compliant entrances, maintenance of the building which still has graffiti on display today which perhaps due to their nature, instead of being covered, should be framed in the context of a new paint job.
What are the infrastructures to host the training sessions of the various national teams, whether there are functioning bathrooms in all the facilities, whether there are accommodation areas.
What are the initiatives in our municipality to be able to accompany this competition.
Which places are relegated to the facilities for print media and television filming.
We wonder why today there are no publications, posters and everything else necessary to publicize this very important event.
The opportunity to reunite citizens who wear a single color in hockey and a thousand different political passions, those who exercise the administrative function know how many friends of Novara sport found themselves side by side embracing each other for the old glories despite the different opinions on the management of the city.
We require a greater sense of attention for the good of this city and this sporting discipline.”

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