Arson on the tracks. Dozens of trains cancelled. Hell of a day for commuters

Arson on the tracks. Dozens of trains cancelled. Hell of a day for commuters
Arson on the tracks. Dozens of trains cancelled. Hell of a day for commuters

A day of heavy inconvenience on the Pisa Florence railway route with several trains canceled and others accumulating delays of even more than 30-40 minutes: commuters’ hell that was repeated yesterday morning, after similar problems had occurred two days ago, on the La Spezia Pisa line and a day ago again on the Pisa Florence line at Signa and it remains to be clarified whether the three episodes are somehow connected. The fact is that, as a note from Ferrovie dello Stato explains – at 4 o’clock last night an arson attack occurred in a technological room which houses the equipment of the train spacing system between Navacchio and Pisa, on the Florence – Pisa line.

The intervention of the firefighters and the technicians of the Italian Railway Network allowed the resumption of traffic between Navacchio and Pisa on a single track as early as 7.20 am.

“But – warns Ferrovie dello Stato – However, to restore the total functionality of the line and allow the full commercial offer, a few more days of work will be needed. This will involve the rescheduling of some trains with cancellations or limitations. Information in the stations and on the Rete Ferroviaria infomobility channels Italian and transport companies”.

Meanwhile yesterday, in an extraordinary manner, to accommodate hundreds of commuters who were left stranded, the use of Autolinee Toscane buses for the Pisa Pontedera route by travelers with a Trenitalia travel ticket was authorized on an extraordinary basis.

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