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CASORIA. Success for the training event accredited by ODCEC on anti-money laundering. In the appendix Tappost, exhibition by master Luigi Masecchia

CASORIA. The welcoming location of Villa Egle hosted the training event accredited by the ODCEC of Naples North (Order of chartered accountants and accounting experts), strongly desired by the Secretary Councilor, Dr. Angelo Capone and with the patronage of the COA (Council of Bar Association) of Naples North with greetings from the councilor Avv. Pasquale Di Lorenzo, concerning: “The current anti-money laundering obligations for lawyers, accountants and other professionals, in light of the new FATF directives”. The round table, designed to create a lively discussion between speakers and participants, made it possible to highlight – on the one hand – what the concerns of professionals are who are increasingly burdened by more tasks and – on the other – what the importance of a valid ( and preventive) organization of one’s professional firm to exclude liability and professional risks through constant training on anti-money laundering, the preparation of specific forms before the client’s entry, adequate verification of the client, recording and storage of information, and – finally – reporting suspicious transactions. The speakers, experts in the field of anti-money laundering, illustrated complex contents with immediacy and simplicity, illustrating all the nuances. And therefore, they discussed: Prof. Giuseppe Miceli – Founder of the “Italian Anti-Money Laundering Observatory for Art”, the Notary Dr. Gian Marco Antonelli – Notary in Arzano (NA) and expert in the subject and the lawyer. Gianluca Bozzelli – Supreme Court Lawyer – Coordinator of the Anti-Money Laundering & Compliance Commission established at the COA of Naples. Moderating the round table, the lawyer. Mariacristina Allegretto – Rotal Lawyer of the Neapolitan Interdiocesan Ecclesiastical and Appeal Tribunal as well as lawyer of the Bar of Naples North. Also present in the room were, among other things, two representatives of the Guardia di Finanza – Frattamaggiore Unit, the Vice President of the Municipality of Afragola, Biagio Castaldo and the councilor Avv. Giuseppina Tignola. The promoter of the event, which proved to be highly educational for professionals and businesses, is SafeThink Consulting srls, a business consultancy company, with the scientific direction of the lawyer. Sara Bassolamento, secretary of the “Anti-Money Laundering and Compliance” Commission established at the Coa of Naples.
On the sidelines of the event, the exhibition of the master Luigi Masecchia who was able to transform the recovery of corks (Tappost the title of the exhibition) into real works of art, in a skilful recycling.


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