Poli Bortone wins in Lecce. And Matera remembers his temperament.

This is done by the young municipal councilor Daniele Fragasso (Fdi) who remembers with regret what was done in Matera by the councilor Adriana Poli Bortone, several times parliamentarian, minister and now back to lead the Municipality of Lecce with a centre-right coalition, overcoming the the outgoing centre-left mayor Carlo Salvemini was in the run-off with 50.69 percent. A difference of a few hundred votes which served to bring the eighty-year-old mayor back to Palazzo Carafa. Her secret: determination, the desire to work and make the most of every experience. In Matera in the first phase of the council chaired by Raffaello De Ruggieri, he led the tourism department with many initiatives implemented with a ”Mediterranean” delegation, starting an interesting network work. Remained interrupted following the forced resignation in March 2018 of Adriana Poli Bortone https://www.regione.basilicata.it/giunta/site/Giunta/detail.jsp?otype=1012&id=3040445. But Fragasso, who has drawn useful indications from that teaching, does not disdain to take them up again if the Matera community, in the next municipal elections, after the experience of being led by the Five Star Movement, decides to turn to the right. There is time and a lot to work on… taking advantage, with a sense of responsibility, of what happened in the previous municipal elections in that deployment.

The reflection of Daniele Fragasso.

Adriana Poli Bortone’s victory as Mayor of Lecce offers interesting food for thought. The political depth and human quality of the Senator were recognized for the umpteenth time by that political party in Lecce that aspired to change, the same ambition that we of the Matera si Muove group hoped for when we indicated her as councilor for tourism in our Municipality. Unfortunately we all know how that beautiful albeit too brief experience ended when a certain political party blinded by such quality but also by their own short-sightedness pushed Poli Bortone to put its mandate back in the hands of the Mayor (the instigator).
First of all, we must remember his great work and the international projects that he had prepared in that historical phase for our city and which today he will be able to implement in his beloved land. Personally I remember how he managed to involve me in his work, sometimes delegating to me some commitments among the many that he took on daily. Two above all are the “Southern New Year” with Clementino and the white night “Dreamland”, events that are still remembered with pleasure in the city today.
There is so much to learn and appreciate from Adriana, a woman who has demonstrated and still demonstrates great strength supported by an above average preparation to which the new right-wing ruling class must aspire.
Especially in our region, many of my political party felt they had “arrived” at their first election, perhaps not even due to their own political merits but because they were driven by the increasingly fluctuating national political winds in recent years. Adriana’s teaching instead invites us to prepare and persevere to improve ourselves and overcome moments of political and electoral downturn with style. In the long run, quality and seriousness wins. Electoral binges are just children of the times we live in (see the current 5-star city government that is now fruitless). This reasoning must be kept in mind on the eve of our municipal elections which will require us to seriously reflect on the programmes, men and women to propose to the city and which I hope will be of quality to return to winning just like Adriana Poli Bortone did in Lecce.

Daniele Fragasso -Matera city councilor-

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