Gasparri proposes maternity income: 1000 euros for those who do not have an abortion

Here comes the “maternity income” of 1,000 euros per month for women who renounce the abortion. At least this is what the bill that Forza Italia will present next week provides.

The proposal, the contents of which were anticipated by the group leader of the blue senators Maurizio Gasparri, It consists of only two articles and provides for a check of one thousand euros per month for five years in favor of all women who intend to resort to abortion due to economic problems. The beneficiaries, as explained by Il Corriere della Sera, must be Italian citizens resident in Italy and must have an ISEE not exceeding 15,000 euros per year. The Ministry of Economy is expected to finance the project with 600 million euros.

The bill provides “that the counseling center and the social-health structure, in addition to having to guarantee the necessary medical checks, have the task, when the request for termination of pregnancy is motivated by economic or social conditions, of examining with the woman the possible solutions to the problems, of helping her to remove the causes that would lead her to thetermination of pregnancy“. Current laws also guarantee couples who want to start a family financial bonuses which, however, according to Gasparri, would not be enough “to curb the recourse to voluntary termination of pregnancy for reasons of economic and social hardship”. Solutions are therefore necessary “to discourage abortion linked to causes of economic and social hardship”.

The Democratic Party, with Senator Cecilia D’Elia, talks about “pure propaganda on women’s skin” which comes “above all from those who abolished the citizen’s income”. Senator Valeria Valente echoes her:“Women’s choice must be respected, not economically induced”. The M5S is also against it: “The abolition of the citizen’s income has led to 6 million super-poor people in Italy. Instead, Gasparri thinks he can buy women’s right to self-determination”, comments Alessandra Maiorino, deputy group leader of the M5s in the Senate. According to the group leader of the Dem senators Francis Boccia “What Gasparri is proposing is economic blackmail on the skin of women”. And indeed, Boccia doubles down: “We are faced with an insult to women”, accusing the senator of wanting to transform Forza Italia “into a confessional party”.

Gasparri’s reply is ready, accusing Boccia of being a“ignorant bearer of hatred and offenses” since, with his proposal, he does not intend to abolish the 194 but to implement it fully because “speech is not enough”, but we need“even concrete facts”.

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