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The Goria Foundation becomes a cultural hub

“From the roots, the tree” is the title of a small exhibition of documents, among Resistance and birth of the Constitutionand, set up on the occasion of the visit to Asti of the President of the Republic SErgio Mattarella on May 23rd. The exhibition, in the new headquarters of the Foundation Giovanni Goria in Piazza San Martino 11, will be open to the public every Tuesday and Friday from 4.30pm to 7.00pm until 30 July. Entrance is free and free.

It will also be an opportunity to visit the venue which is proposed as a new space for cultural activities open to multiple subjects. The space of the ancient former Convent of the Barnabite fathers is called “MEMORIAfutura” and presents itself as a “cultural HUB”: a space for the development of activities and cultural planning according to the principle of co-working, i.e. the sharing of work spaces , design and cost optimization.

The venue and the idea of ​​a cultural hub will be presented on Tuesday 25 June at 5pm. A meeting with the Director of Israt will follow Nicoletta Fasano, who collaborated in the creation of the exhibition. He will present his book “If all the sea of ​​this land were ink… Deportations, history, memories”, an essay dedicated to the deportations from the Asti area during the Second World War which collects memories and testimonies of the political and racial deportees of the Province of Asti. The Director will also talk about the initiatives underway between the eightieth anniversary of the Partisan Republic of Alto Monferrato and initiatives being prepared for 2025, eighty years after the Liberation. For information [email protected]

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