Ceremony today, Masci returns mayor – Pescara

Ceremony today, Masci returns mayor – Pescara
Ceremony today, Masci returns mayor – Pescara

PESCARA. “The day has arrived”. From 11:00 today Charles Masci “returns” mayor of Pescara. The proclamation ceremony is scheduled for 11 am, in the council chamber of the Municipality. Almost a month after the administrative elections of June 8 and 9, with the victory of Masci in the first round with 50.95% against Charles Constantini, Domenico Pettinari e Gianluca Fusillithe recount of the votes is over. And the picture has not changed: Masci has exceeded the 50% threshold by about 600 votes and won in the first round. Even in 2019, the mayor had won in the first round against Marinella Sclocco (51,33%).
This morning, he will be the president of the Pescara court, Angel Mariano Draftwill officially proclaim the mayor and also the 32 elected members of the city council. The mayor posted a photo on Facebook in which he shakes hands with Bozza: «I thank him from the bottom of my heart», says Masci, «for the difficult work carried out with the commission». Then, the message to the people of Pescara: «A big hug to my fellow citizens, who allowed me, with their vote, to be the first mayor of Pescara elected twice in the first round».
Now, within 10 days of the proclamation, the first city council will be called, which will be held, then, within the following 10 days of the call: the first session could take place after July 15. And in that meeting Masci will present his second council: this means that the negotiations for the appointment of the 9 councilors and for the choice of the president of the city council will continue at least for the next two weeks.
The division of positions is done, the difficult thing is to match them to the people: 4 positions go to Fratelli d’Italia, the first party of the center-right coalition with 8 elected (18.01%) which preceded Forza Italia by a whisker (17.90% and 7 elected); by virtue of this substantial balance, 4 positions also go to Forza Italia; one to the League; one to Pescara Futura. Everything revolves around the gender quotas: out of 9 councilors, women must be at least 4. (p.l.)

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