Pescara, who are the two high school students accused of killing Thomas: father non-commissioned officer, mother lawyer

Pescara, who are the two high school students accused of killing Thomas: father non-commissioned officer, mother lawyer
Pescara, who are the two high school students accused of killing Thomas: father non-commissioned officer, mother lawyer

They are two middle-class boys from Pescara, the ones stopped the other night by the police and accused of murder: minors, like the murdered boy, and like the small group of peers who accompanied them. One is the son of a Carabinieri non-commissioned officer, commander of one of the province’s stations, the other comes from a family of professionals, with a lawyer mother. High school students, with that fascination for the over-the-top life that runs along a stretch of the Pescara coast. The one that goes north, which in summer lights up with nightlife and which in other seasons takes advantage of the beach for completely different reasons: the establishments become convenient hideouts for pick and pay for drugs and in the evening it is easier to hide as soon as the sun goes down dark.

Pescara, Thomas Luciani killed at 17 by two high school students for a debt. «Then they took a bath»

The murder in Baden Powell park exposes the nerves of this part of the city: that of the kids, even from good families, who take keys, cell phones and knives before leaving the house. The two, the investigators say after the first approach, have the attitude of leaders at least in their relationships with that small group: not a baby gang, but a fluid gathering of kids.
Luciani is of a different kind and has plenty of problems: in life he only has the love of his grandmother. Mother and father are distant and no longer have parental rights. On Friday he escaped from a protected facility in Molise, where he was supposed to attend a hairdressing course: the price to pay for a small sentence, but he didn’t want to hear about it. And with makeshift means he returned to Pescara. He had been in the protected facility since approximately the month of February and this suggests that the conflicts with the two boys from Pescara arose from previous events dating back to the end of last year, early months of 2024. And just last November the seventeen-year-old had also removed from his grandmother’s home in Rosciano, a port to which, thanks also to the woman’s concern and affection, he always ended up returning and where he sometimes also hosted friends.

Christopher Thomas killed in Pescara: who is his mother, life with his grandparents in the village, his disappearance, hospitalization in the community


Her life was difficult, with the discomfort she brought with it, which was on a collision course with safe homes and peaceful families, at least in appearance. But with a sort of inhumanity that those twenty-five stab wounds and the banal indifference with which a boy was left alone to die brought out with a disarming crudeness. Only one of them, after a few hours, took a step back. Allowing the body of the seventeen-year-old to be found, when it was already dark.
«The dramatic story, right from the start, highlighted an incredible youthful discomfort, a surprising lack of emotional empathy and a clear inability to understand the extreme negative value of the actions committed. These dysfunctional attitudes deserve extensive investigation, as well as the necessary reconstruction of the dynamics and responsibilities”: stripped of bureaucratic language, the conclusion reached by the investigators is the declaration of surrender of an entire system. Called to confront a social reality that he has tried to hide too many times.
“You think your son went out to have fun and in the evening you find the flying squad knocking on your door” one of the investigators comments bitterly. A few hundred meters from the park, two and a half years ago, outside the “Tito Acerbo” institute, another ambush, another stabbing, the victim was a boy who simply stopped to look and was shot by mistake. From that day on, the police paid more attention to this round of weapons in their pockets, but it wasn’t enough.
A couple of weeks ago two more stabbings, one more serious, one less serious, at the exit of two different clubs. Responsibilities are still being sought for both cases, with the awareness, many say, that it could have been worse. And the other evening it got worse, in the clash between two worlds divided by the price of unpaid drugs, united by growth in forced stages, with the foot pressed on the accelerator. Too much and too long.


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