Ballots in Calabria, here are the results

Waiting for the result of the ballots in Calabria, two out of three municipalities go to the centre-right. While in Vibo Valentia the voters reward the “wide field” of the mayoral candidate Enzo Romeo.

Vibo Valentia, the “wide field” wins

In the only provincial capital where there was a run-off, Vibo Valentiatherefore the winner is Enzo Romeo, candidate of the “wide field”. After the vote, the exponent of the center-left plus the 5 Star Movement reached the 53.60% of the votes (6,788 preferences) against the 46.40% of the centre-right candidate Roberto Cosentinowhich he got 5,877 votes. The same Cosentino called Romeo to congratulate him.

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With Romeo, the logic of alternation also wins. In fact, the outgoing administration was led by a mayor from Forza Italia, Maria Limardo. But two weeks ago the result was very different with the centre-right candidate ahead with 38.43% and the centre-left exponent trailing behind with 31.92%.

The surprising fact, however, is that of the turnout. Less than half of the electorate voted: that is 45.59% of those entitled against the 66.90% of the first round with an incredible gap of more than 21% of those who did not go to the polls.

Gioia Tauro (Reggio Calabria), an all-female challenge: here’s who won

In the “pink” challenge for two Gioia Tauroin the Reggio area, the exciting duel was ultimately won by the exponent of Forza Italia, Simona Scarcella. She prevailed over her challenger Mariarosaria Russo, also from the centre-right area. The “anti-mafia” principal, at the head of a civic coalition, had obtained the support of another centre-right candidate, Rosario Schiavonewho came third in the first round with the 18%.

TO KNOW MORE: Giusi Princi ready for Strasbourg: «With me in Europe I bring the voice of Calabria»

Despite this, Russian she had to give way to her opponent Scarcellawhich established itself with the 54.36%collecting 4,867 preferences. Mariarosaria Russo it didn’t go beyond 4,086 preferences that earned her the 45.64% of consensus.

The new mayor of Gioia Tauro, Simona Scarcella, is a lawyer serving the Port Authority. He had closed the first round ahead, bringing back the 39.2% of consensus against the 35.5% Of Mariarosaria Russo.

As regards, however, the turnout data: two weeks ago the 63.23% of those entitled. In the runoff, the 56.12%.

Montalto Uffugo (Cosenza), Faragalli mayor

AND Biagio Faragalli the new mayor of Montalto Uffugo (Cosenza). For the new mayor the 62% of preferences. Pharmacist, from the Forza Italia area, he was supported by 9 lists for 150 candidates. The opponent Mauro D’Acriformer regional councilor with responsibility for agriculture during the center-left regional council led by Mario Oliveriostopped at 38%. Both led civic coalitions.

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«We reached a great milestone because we started late, but it was a great team effort. At work straight away. The first act will be to reorganize the administrative machinery”, he told journalists Biagio Faragalliafter learning the result.

In the first round, Faragalli had stopped just below the 50% of votes (49.06%) While D’Acredefeated in the run-off, had scored 42.43%.

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