«Over 4.5 million from the ministry for 195 new places in nursery schools in Romagna» • 4live.it

«Over 4.5 million from the ministry for 195 new places in nursery schools in Romagna» • 4live.it
«Over 4.5 million from the ministry for 195 new places in nursery schools in Romagna» • 4live.it

There are six municipalities in Romagna that have obtained funding as part of the ‘Plan for nursery schools and nursery schools and early childhood education and care services’ provided by the Ministry of Education and Merit, led by Minister Giuseppe Valditara. These are Cervia, Coriano and Misano Adriatico, Predappio, Roncofreddo and Savignano sul Rubicone. The objective of the Plan is to create new places in nursery schools to increase the educational offer from early childhood and at the same time offer concrete help to families both to facilitate the reconciliation of family and work life and to encourage the participation of women to the job market”. Thus the parliamentarian wrote in a note Jacopo Morronesecretary of the Romagna Leaguewhich cites the ‘numbers’ that concern the entire Emilia-Romagna region where, in total, 463 new positions will be created with a total funding of 10 million and 820,000 euros.

«As regards Romagna alone – recalls Morrone – there will be 195 places with funding of 4 million and 564,000 euros: in Cervia 1 million and 152,000 euros are allocated for 48 places; in Coriano 1 million and 8,000 euros for 42 places; in Misano Adriatico 864,000 euros for 36 seats; in Predappio 480,000 euros for 20 places as well as for Roncofreddo; finally in Savignano sul Rubicone there will be 580,000 euros for 29 places. This new kindergarten plan which reaches the total figure of 734.9 million euros was also financed with national resources as well as from the Pnrr, as Minister Valditara reiterated, allowing for the addition of new places which places us among the first countries in Europe and which demonstrates how central it is for the government and in particular for the League not only to improve and expand early childhood services but also to increase the quality of the entire school system” concludes Morrone.

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