Lamezia, CGIL meeting on the development of the central area of ​​Calabria: “Serious investments necessary”

Lamezia, CGIL meeting on the development of the central area of ​​Calabria: “Serious investments necessary”
Lamezia, CGIL meeting on the development of the central area of ​​Calabria: “Serious investments necessary”

Lamezia Terme – “Occhiuto challenge the law on Differentiated Autonomy”. It is the challenge launched by National CGIL Secretary Pino Gesmundo from Lamezia Terme where he participated in the meeting promoted by CGIL Area Vasta “Industrial policies, infrastructures, reclamation: development prospects for the central area of ​​Calabria”, organized by the CGIL Area Vasta Catanzaro-Crotone-Vibo. The conference was attended by the General Secretary of Cgil Calabria Angelo Sposato, the General Secretary of Cgil Vasta Area Enzo Scalese, the Corap manager Fabrizio D’Agostino, the extraordinary commissioner of the Sin Crotone-Rossano-Cerchiara di Calabria Government Emilio Errigo, the president of Ance Calabria Roberto Rugna, in addition to the General Secretaries of the category Umberto Calabrone (Fiom Cgil Calabria), Simone Celebre (Fillea Cgil Calabria), Francesco Gatto (Filctem Cgil Calabria), Salvatore Larocca (Filt Cgil Calabria), Alberto Ligat (Slc Cgil Calabria). The journalist Maria Rita Galati moderated the proceedings.

“There is a need – explained the National Secretary of CGIL Gesmundo – to make serious investments to attract businesses and ensure that the South becomes a driving force for development for the entire national territory. The logic of Differentiated Autonomy says the opposite: penalize the South. The South cannot be abandoned to itself, there is a need for policies that compensate for the lack of attention received up to now and exploit its potential. What happened with the Development and Cohesion Funds and with the Pnrr, resources that should have been used in the South, but this is not happening is not acceptable.”

“It is a particular moment for Calabria – said the General Secretary of CGIL Calabria Angelo Sposato -. The conference of services for the reclamation of Crotone will be held shortly and it is necessary for Eni to assume all responsibilities and carry out the operations necessary for a reclamation that safeguards the health of Calabrian citizens. But the Region must also do its part by reviewing the Regional Waste Plan. The current one is a gift to Eni: special waste must be treated as such and cannot be treated as ordinary.”

“As regards industrial policies – added Sposato – public companies have always come to the South with very weak policies, we ask that they change direction. Tim, Eni, Enel have taken a lot from Calabria in the past, now they should give something back to our territories and the government, for its part, should review the rules for public companies. As far as infrastructure policies are concerned, high speed, 106 and the electrification of the Ionian line remain priorities for us”.

“Let’s bring together trade union organisations, institutions and regional and national politics to make it clear that change is possible in Calabria” is the proposal of the General Secretary of CGIL Catanzaro Vast Area – Crotone-Vibo Enzo Scalese. “Ours is an attractive reality, we have the potential to attract investments. The first Hydrogen Valley created in the industrial area of ​​Lamezia is an example of this. Starting from the ecological and energy transition, businesses can be created with natural resources. We will bring our proposals to the regional and government tables, with the categories.”


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