Participation with goals and assists: Gudmundsson is number one in the Top 5 in Europe

Participation with goals and assists: Gudmundsson is number one in the Top 5 in Europe
Participation with goals and assists: Gudmundsson is number one in the Top 5 in Europe

Gudmundsson’s ball-and-chain stride (photo by Genoa CFC Tanopress)

Nobody like Albert Gudmundsson in Europe. Taking into account the five
main national tournaments of the Old Continent, the Icelandic striker of Genoa is
be the player who contributed most with goals or assists in goals overall
scored by their team.
The 27-year-old from Reykjavik was not only one of the main protagonists of the last edition
of Serie A, finishing fifth in the general ranking of scorers with 14 goals, but has
characterized its championship by the very high presence in Genoa’s goals. 31.1%
of the 45 goals of the Ligurians bear his direct signature. Percentage that rises to 40 round round if
the 4 winning assists that Albert provided to the team are also taken into consideration
companions. This means that out of ten goals scored by Genoa, four are scored
Gudmundsson’s hand.
No one else, as mentioned, has managed to do better in Europe. In Premier the best in this
statistics is Bournemouth center forward Dominic Solanke, author of 19 goals and three assists.
A figure that contributed to 35.2% of the goals scored by the English Rossoneri. Same numbers in
absolute terms, but not as a percentage of those of his own team, for the former
French international and former Arsenal player Alexandre Lacazette. The captain of Lyon is the player
of Ligue 1 with the highest participation in his team’s goals, having taken
active part in 38.8% of the 49 goals scored by Les Gones.
In Germany, Harry Kane excelled, author of 40 goals and assists, but in one
team, Bayern Munich, who have punctured the opponent’s goal 94 times in the Bundesliga
times. Kane’s personal shareholding is therefore just under 39%, settling at 38.8%. Finally, no one like Gudmunsson, not even in La Liga. Here the best ‘participant’ in the team goals was the Croatian Ante Budimir. The former Sampdoria and Crotone player was the author
with the Osasuna shirt he scored 17 goals and two assists, 37.8% of the club’s total goals
The last thing to underline is that unlike its main rivals in this special
ranking, Gudmundsson is the only one who is not a real first striker, acting
often during the match even very far from the opponent’s penalty area.

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