Comicon takes root in Bergamo: a three-day long party

by Eleonora Busi

It was, again, a great party. Comicon did an encore in Bergamo, bringing a second edition to the Via Lunga Fair that lived up to expectations: a full calendar of events, international guests and meetings that not even the rain could affect (if not in part). From 21 to 23 June, Comicon Bergamo welcomed 35 thousand visitors, 25 percent more than in 2023: a sign that the event is slowly taking root in an area that, until last year, was largely devoid of them.

It was clear from the moment the doors opened that it would be another popular edition: the queues at the entrance had been long since the morning, full of visitors anxiously waiting to go shopping or meet the numerous guests scheduled.

One for all Troy Baker, American actor and voice actor known for lending his voice to many video game characters. But also Devon Murrayactor who played Seamus Finnigan in the saga of Harry Potter; and then, the legend of comics John Romita Jr., Without to forget Yoshiko Watanabefamous mangaka.

Another highly anticipated appointment is Friday evening with Giorgio Vanniwho sang some of the most beautiful theme tunes from 90s-2000s cartoons: threatened by the strong storm, although with a slight delay the concert lit up the external area of ​​Comicon Bergamo, crowded with nostalgic fans ready to sing the songs at the top of their lungs words of Pokémon And Dragon Ball. And how can we not mention the many events and meetings: from the moment dubbing with the voices of Alex Polidori, Massimo Triggiani, Mirko Cannella And Jacopo Calatronito the videogame tournaments that crowned the best players.

Comicon Bergamo seen by… comedians

Comics, video games, cinema, TV series and Asian culture have dominated. In the perfectly tidy areas, rows of themed stands and desks attracted attention: T-shirts nerd, manga and figurines, but also self-productions. Small businesses that sell key rings, pins, bookmarks, hand-drawn and depicting the most famous characters of this world.

An example is the stand of Kira Yukishiro, a young artist from Bergamo at his first fair experience. «I designed all the goods on display – he explains -: I took inspiration from manga and anime characters (Japanese comics and cartoons, ed), but also from video games. For it to be my first fair, I am satisfied: I met many nice people and it was an experience that certainly enriched me.”

Among the “alleys” of what seemed like a real citadel, colored wigs and bright clothes also appeared: they are the cosplayerthe art of interpreting your favorite character by imitating their ways and customs. Giulia, for example, is 25 years old and comes from Parma. Dressed as Ruan Mei, from the video game Honkai: StarRailis dedicated to cosplay for about three years.

It is the first time he has come to Comicon Bergamo: «I have participated in Rimini and other fairs, but never in Bergamo. For now there aren’t too many people (early afternoon on Saturday, ed)», he says, then adding with a smile: «So I didn’t hit anyone by mistake with my mandolin».

We also met Isabeau, from Brescia but lives in Bergamo. Thirty-one years old, she’s a veteran: she does cosplay for over ten years. For Comicon Bergamo, he takes on the role of Link-protagonist of the video game series The Legend of Zelda. «With my boyfriend I also came to the first edition, only on Friday – she says -. This year the fair has been greatly expanded, full of guests, stands and things to do. Very nice”.

Not even time to conclude this three-days of pure entertainment, which is already thinking about next year: the third edition of Comicon Bergamo has been confirmed and will be held from 20 to 22 June, again at the Bergamo Fair. As they say: there’s no two without three. Looking at the successes of the last two years, it is not difficult to believe that 2025 will also be a great celebration.

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