Grella and the Catania to come: «Faggiano and Toscano to try to win»

Grella and the Catania to come: «Faggiano and Toscano to try to win»
Grella and the Catania to come: «Faggiano and Toscano to try to win»

In an afternoon of great maneuvers for the future, of continuous talks, of handshakes with the parents who brought their children to the Rossazzuro Campus, vice president Vincenzo Grella outlines the current state of work of the Catania team to come.

How did Catania’s relationship with two key figures of next season such as Faggiano and Toscano come about?

«I have known Daniele for at least eight years. We crossed paths in multiple stages. We chatted even in unsuspecting times. Mutual friends have always told me about his professionalism, the result of an important journey, and about his intellectual honesty. The way we see football unites us. In mid-January we established regular contact, I could hear in his voice the desire to get back into the game. He never referred to the championship, but with humility we addressed the details of the project. And the more we talked about it, the more he looked for me. Always at the pace of those who know football and don’t overflow. We needed a strong reference figure, there’s no doubt: with his experience for the market he will be an enormous added value and during the week having a fixed figure who can help manage the sporting part leaves a little for me ‘ time to dedicate myself to other projects in the company.”

Toscano’s was a complicated negotiation but managed with stubbornness.

«Already at the end of the season we had started, together with Massimo Varini, to put together a list of potential candidates. I spoke with many coaches trying to understand what they could build in our club. What ideas did they have for the growth of Catania, what was the process of organizing the work week. In the meetings with Toscano I was attracted by his pragmatism. He struck me with his simplicity and concreteness, substance. I was struck by his way of thinking. When a match ends, other people are called to get further references: everyone told me that he is concrete, organised, he trains the teams well, he built himself, he doesn’t come to Catania because he was recommended. The sum of these details led to Toscano and the confirmation was given to me by Catania’s internal council: Pelligra and Bresciano immediately agreed. I believe he is the right professional for Catania.”

Retreat to Assisi: we’re almost there.

«It will start after the tests that will take place in Catania. Together with prof. Petralia, with Dr. Riso and the new technical staff, in agreement with the sporting director, we decided to bring forward the meeting in Catania by a few days to complete the medical examinations. We anticipate 4 days, then we will go to Assisi and work there without wasting time for visits. We can’t miss the preparation of a comma. We have extended the period to a total of 20 days.”


«From 14 July and until the eve of the match in Pisa, in the Italian Cup against Carrarese on 4 August».

Market already under development.

«We want to strengthen every area of ​​the pitch. The coach together with the director is discussing to evaluate the hypotheses related to the way of playing. This will allow us to identify the players functional to the cause. On the market, if you want to get ahead of the curve, you have to be willing to pay more. We will also have expenses to lay off some players, but everything must fall within the logic of an expense that is competitive, it’s not like we let ourselves be taken for a ride. It takes you a moment to spend, but then a tempting opportunity comes along, you stay over budget and it ruins your soul. The director has knowledge and the ability to do well, let’s let him work calmly.”

You are also working on confirmations.

«We have good ideas on who can be included in the technical project. I suggested evaluating some profiles in the preparation phase. With new stimuli someone will be able to provide a better, surprising performance.”

Toscano has a two-year contract with an option for a third. Does this mean that Catania plans to win in two seasons or will they try straight away?

«When you take Toscano and Faggiano, the club’s intent is clear. I don’t want to send out the wrong message: I am aware that by redoing the squad we need to give the coach the right amount of time to make ends meet. But it won’t become an alibi. The need of the club and the square is to have a very competitive team that feels the responsibility of bringing the results home. And these results are the desire to go and win the championship. If one thinks of coming to Catania without wanting to, it is better to go elsewhere.”

Plants, they are often discussed: from the Nesima land to the possibility of treating Torre del Grifo.

«We are doing work on the Nesima pitch to make it functional to the needs of the first team who would go to train there in case of emergency. We will create a medical room and meeting room, we will arrange the camp: we will give it a different look. If we need an additional pitch when it rains, then we can use Nesima in the morning.”

The other facilities around the city?

«In the future we will be able to consider other fields, but a project is needed to fix some structures. They are expensive, you need to invest hundreds of thousands of euros. Ours is a club that costs money, in terms of management, we have increased the staff and ambitions, we must pay attention.”

Grifo Tower?

«The structure is already there, you have to work hard to fix the Village but you could have the sports part up and running in less time. The president is evaluating and for now I’ll stop here.”

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