Veneto moves forward with Valdastico Nord, but “Trentino has no use for this work”

Veneto moves forward with Valdastico Nord, but “Trentino has no use for this work”
Veneto moves forward with Valdastico Nord, but “Trentino has no use for this work”

by Simone Casciano


«The territories have always said no; and yet we are moving forward with this work”, with a few words Giulia Robol, mayor of Rovereto, highlights the issue at the center of the Valdastico “case”, a work that seems to be moving forward almost driven by necessity rather than political plan. The first domino to fall, and then trigger the others, reactivating the path of the controversial motorway with the Veneto, was the sentence with which the Regional Administrative Court (TAR) of Trento had declared the appeals presented by the Municipality of Rovereto inadmissible. and by that of Trento against the variant to the Pup (Provincial Urban Planning Plan) which identifies a large area between the two Municipalities in which to carry out the work. After the ruling, the provincial council therefore approved the variant to the PUP on Friday, which will now have to begin its process in the commission and then in the provincial council. But if Fugatti had said that the work was going ahead because “we cannot discuss whether to do it, but only how to do it” it was then the provincial councilor Gottardi who said “I remember that the A4 concessionaire received the extension of the concession without competition by committing to making the connection. They are acts that presuppose action on our part, and not perpetual inaction with respect to identifying a path. We are doing our job diligently.” This is precisely the point contested by the mayor of the City of the Oak, it seems that this work should be done only because the company concessionaire of a motorway, the A4 Brescia Verona Vicenza Padova, which has no connection with Trentino, has undertaken to carry it out to obtain an extension to its concession from Europe.

«These are logics that go beyond the territorial interest which neither I nor the other mayors are interested in taking on. The push in favor all comes from Veneto and from the A4 concessionaire company, it is not a work of territorial interest and the reasons expressed by Gottardi are not valid for us” says Robol reiterating his opposition to the motorway. «It is clear that it is a work that Trentino does not need. An important investment has been made, and is being made, on the Brenner railway, precisely to bring goods by rail. In a context of climate crisis this project is even more jarring.” And then there are landscape and environmental concerns. «This work puts aquifers, ecosystems and immaculate natural landscapes into crisis. It is no coincidence that the opposition extends to Terragnolo, the municipalities of Vallagarina and the Leno Valleys, we are all very worried.” For this reason, the mayor renews her intention to do everything in the administration’s power to avoid its realization.

«We will evaluate after the appointment of the council what the best legal path will be. Even comparing ourselves with other municipalities.” Meanwhile, from the report of the Chamber of Deputies on major works it emerges that the A4 concessionaire is moving forward with the works on the motorway on the Veneto side. In fact, the definitive design for the final section from Piovene Rocchette to Pedemonte – Valle dell’Astico has been reached. The final cost for a stretch of motorway approximately 17 kilometers long is 1.3 billion euros.

Valdastico, Robol: «Trentino has no use for this work»

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