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Partepolis, the white night of small art places in Naples

Five places of art and culture, a route called “Artepolitana” which can be covered on foot in 15 minutes for the first Night of small places of art, scheduled for Friday 28 June 2024 from 7pm to midnight.

Organizing the initiative are the Monteoliveto Home Gallery, of the VerginiSanità association (Aquedotto Augusteo del Serino), the Getta la Rete association – Monumental Complex of the Vincentians, the Llabbasc collective and the Piccola Galleria Resistenza. All realities whose objective is to create an ideal path that connects the urban fabric to the artistic-cultural one which slowly but surely brings new small realities to join the network. A way to offer the visitor a “roadmap” of small particular places that can be seen only if they take the time to look for them.

The appointments

7.30pm – 9.30pm: Legendary Artistic Aperitif at the Monteoliveto Home Gallery, with the presence of a representative from each reality.

8.30pm – 10.30pm: VerginiSanità Association (Aqueduct Augusteo del Serino) and Getta La Rete Association (Vincenziani Complex)

9.00pm – 11.00pm: Disdain: poetic show on the resistance of the soul against all cages. By Vik Palmieri and Fran Allen Zimmerman. Accompanying the performance is Antonio Conte’s personal Planet A, a reflection on climate change

8.30pm – 12.00am: Art Tarot and presentation of Marila’s EP – LLlabbasc

The places of art

Dario Gaipa and Maurizio Padula founded LLABBASC in 2021, a space that functions as both a laboratory and a small gallery, in the heart of the historic center of Naples, a few steps from the MANN, the San Pietro a Majella Conservatory and the Academy of Fine Arts in the heart of the cultural district.

Sharing the work space allowed them to grow rapidly from an artistic point of view and to create a particular synergy between individual artistic research, often bordering on collaborative collaborations for the creation of numerous works. In January 2023 the National Museum Progetto Paterno, in the province of Cosenza, purchased five of their works, currently in the permanent collection. From November 2023 to January 2024 Gaipa and Padula exhibit at the archaeological museum of Naples “Mann” with the project “Mann Sgamat, the city enters the museum” After the exhibition at the Mann, in 2024 they exhibit at the Mav in Ercolano, at the museum of tradition MUTE food and wine event and at the Vernice Art Fair in Forlì.

  • VerginiSanità Association – Augustan Aqueduct of Serino

The VerginiSanità Association was founded with the aim of promoting integrated projects for the redevelopment of the urban area between the Borgo dei Vergini and the Rione Sanità in Naples. From 2010 to today, thanks to the experience and complementarity of the group of founding members and a deep bond with the territory, the Association has promoted and organized events aimed at enhancing and respecting public space, environmental and architectural heritage , as indispensable tools to improve liveability, safety and social growth.

Since 2014, the VerginiSanità Association has managed the archaeological site of the Acquedotto Augusteo del Serino, which can be visited in the basement of the Peschici-Maresca palace, owned by the Arciconfraternita dei Pellegrini, with the aim of promoting cultural projects and activities, starting from the valorisation of the site archaeological. The Augustan Aqueduct of Serino is one of the most impressive Roman-era infrastructures of the ancient world, which extends for approximately 100 km, from the sources to the Piscina Mirabilis in Miseno.

  • Small Resistant Gallery

From an idea by the artist Antonio Conte, the Piccola Galleria Resistenza was born at the end of 2021, a cosmic house, a space larger than the space it can contain. A house, a studio, an art gallery. Place of aggregation and sharing. It all starts with a “bastard exhibition” that inaugurates the space. An exhibition born from the collaboration of Antonio Conte with the RAI production i bastardi di pizzo Falcone. All the works featured in the Wedding episode are on display. Thus began a long exhibition activity that brought performers, photographers, street artists, painters and actors to the small gallery. In three years of life there are no more book presentations, poetry readings, film clubs and small concerts. Many exhibitions organised, many visitors. Artists and spectators united by the love of art and sharing.

  • Monteoliveto (Home) Gallery

The Monteoliveto Gallery is a new exhibition path open to the world of contemporary art, dedicated to the presentation of works of art according to an innovative project with the aim of conveying the importance of contemporary art as a tool for reading and interpreting the different points of our “changing world”.

The gallery was founded in Naples in 2000, and then opened a second traditional gallery in Nice in 2008 with a consolidated penetration to promote and disseminate its diverse emerging artists in the world of contemporary art. A window on Mediterranean and international creativity, the gallery has been promoting artistic initiatives linked to our Mediterranean and international artistic and cultural heritage since 2008, acting as a bridge between tradition and modernity with projects that promote intercultural dialogue and understanding between peoples.

  • Throw the Net Association – Vincentian Monumental Complex

Throw the network is a social promotion association created to promote social integration through art, culture and spirituality.

The Association has its operational headquarters in the Vincenziano Monumental Complex of Naples, in the heart of the Borgo dei Vergini, of which it exclusively takes care of the historical-artistic, architectural and spiritual valorization with studies, research, meetings, insights and guided tours within of the site, to disseminate greater knowledge of the Vincentian charism through the architecture, the works, and the persistences in the Borgo Vergini.

Since 2016, the Association has been involved in the valorisation of the Vincenziano Napoli Monumental Complex, a religious site on the “Strada de Vergini” at number 51, collecting bibliographical, documentary and testimonial information and proposing a guided tour itinerary for it. A new and unpublished story that brings together the historical, architectural, archaeological and spiritual pieces of the “Vincentian insula”.

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