“Danger for National Unity and the economy of the weakest regions”

“Danger for National Unity and the economy of the weakest regions”
“Danger for National Unity and the economy of the weakest regions”
Regarding the adoption by parliament of the law on differentiated autonomy, here is a note from municipal councilors Vincenzo Coratella (M5S) and Michele Di Lorenzo (PD).

“Differentiated autonomy: a danger for national unity and the economy of the weakest regions. The city councilors Vincenzo Coratella and Michele Di Lorenzo express firm opposition to differentiated autonomy, which they consider a significant threat to the principle of unity and indivisibility of the Republic, as enshrined in the Italian Constitution. This reform risks creating real regional enclaves, where public power is concentrated and local wealth is preserved to the detriment of national solidarity and equalization approved as law, provides for the transfer of competences to the Regions on various subjects, but without guaranteeing the essential performance levels (Lep).

This means that the richer regions such as Veneto and Lombardy, led respectively by Zaia and Fontana, are already ready to negotiate the transfer of the first skills, thus creating a system in which some areas of the country will have greater powers and resources to the detriment of the richer regions. weak. This is a model that undermines solidarity and cooperation. The significant reduction in the infrastructure equalization fund was only the first sign of the negative consequences of differentiated autonomy. The reform will crystallize the gap between the Italian regions, dismantling the regional solidarity and cooperative model outlined by the founding fathers. The risk is to further fragment national unity and perpetuate economic and social disparities between the different areas of the country. After the publication of the law in the Official Journal, the regions will have to decide on the requests for transfer of competences to be sent to the government based on their statutes. The reform requires that the LEPs be defined within two years and fully financed, without generating new or greater burdens on the public budget. This could lead to cuts in other areas of spending or increases in revenue, further exacerbating disparities between regions. Weaker regions risk not receiving the funding necessary to guarantee essential services, while richer regions could benefit from greater resources and powers. It is essential to inform Italian citizens about what is happening.

Knowledge and awareness of these dynamics are essential to defend the unity and indivisibility of our country. The pressing invitation to be addressed to all citizens, local institutions and political forces is to unite in defense of the principle of national solidarity and to forcefully reject any form of differentiated autonomy that could compromise the unity of the Italian Republic. They undertake to propose a document that can make the hopefully unanimous voice of the Andria City Council heard in the regional and national institutions.

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