is a partnership between the City of Teramo and FC Bonolis –

TERAMO – Theunderstanding as natural and logical as possible between City of Teramo and theFC Bonolis, that is to say the union of forces in the development of the youth movement, from the first kicks to the competitive one. “There wasn’t the necessary time at the start of last season – declared the two presidents – but the will has never failed“. Vice President Luca also took part in the press conference By Domenico, the lawyer Carlo Loyalthe manager Romolo De Baptistis and DG Antonio Paoluzzi.

The goodness of the operation translates into a five-year contract for which it is impossible to identify non-shareable elements: by working in partnership, in fact, the society of Massimo From April will continue to develop its own youth movement a closed number (with 350 members) and all the activity going on from first kicks up to Under 14while the City of Teramo will participate in the championships Under 15, Under 17 And National Juniors.

Could future champions be born ready to make the leap to more prestigious shores? From any outgoing operations, the two clubs will benefit, in proportionally agreed shares. It’s certain that it will not happen again that any new ownership can painlessly cancel this agreement, as happened in 2019. There are obviously significant penalties.

But there is something else, which is of equally significant importance, and that is theuse of the Acquaviva systemalso by the club of By Antonio. He will be at the service of the youth championships but also of some finishing touches of the first team. In fact, it could happen that you choose whether to do it at Bonolis (as will usually happen in the near future – ed. -) or, sometimes, in the heart of the city, perhaps in front of a hundred “guaranteed” fans. It’s all true.

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