The Varese wedding ring is reality: two rings designed by the students of Gallarate

The awards ceremony for the students of the Gallarate course

GALLARATE – It is said that “a diamond is forever”, but in the intentions of the provincial president of Federpreziosi ConfcommercioLuca Galanti, and the very young designers of goldsmith school of Gallaratealso there “Fede Varesina” it will be a symbol of union and love destined to last a lifetime. Two rings were selected from those designed by the students.

The two models

The first symbol is embellished with i Seven stylized lakes; the second is intertwined, symbolizing an eternal embrace between man and woman (in the image below). And due to the way they were conceived and made, the rings can be worn not only by husband and wife, but also by those who want to show off something unique, original, which thanks to its details tells of belonging to the land of Varese. The wedding rings are those chosen by the jury that evaluated the work of the students of the “Gold and Precious Metals Processing Operator” course of theTraining Agency of the Province of Varese.

All promoted

The students who presented their projects at the end of the course followed step by step by their teachers all passed with full marks and were rewarded with a parchment. Davide Suppa and Stefania Bonocore However, they achieved the theme of the “mission” of creating a symbol of the history and tradition of the Varese area better than their companions. The jurors’ choice fell on them and their idea will become reality, taking the shape of two rings. Made in white, yellow and rose goldwill soon be on sale exclusively in the best ones jewelers in the province of Varese.

Federpreziosi’s satisfaction

«In congratulating Davide and Stefania and all their companions – explains the president Luca Galanti – on behalf of the provincial councilors of Federpreziosi I express great satisfaction with the final result, exactly in line with what we proposed when we started the “Fede Varesina” project. That is, the realization of uA classic product but with a touch of modernity, capable of intercepting the tastes of the new generations. A precious item with a story to be told not only by the seller, but also by the buyer who will be able to proudly tell the great meaning of the small object worn on the ring finger of the left hand”. Wishes fulfilled perfectly by the students, to the point that the wedding rings became two.

Thanks to the teachers

Another reason for pride is the involvement of a local school. Confcommercio province of Varese has always paid attention to scholastic world: secondary schools and universities have long been a point of reference or above all a landing point for any initiative that can lead to concrete involvement and collaboration paths. «This too – continues Galanti – was one of our objectives and we achieved it. Indeed, it was an opportunity to establish a relationship based on continuity with the goldsmith school: one of the children’s projects, among those not awarded, will in fact be revived and transformed into a new exclusive product by the end of the year». The president of Fedepreziosi province of Varese therefore takes the opportunity to thank the teachers one by one who made the success of the initiative possible: Mariangela Merola (coordinator of the “Goldsmith Operator and Goldsmith Technician and Reception” course of the “Gold and Precious Metal Processing Operator” course); Fabio Pinna (teacher of History of jewellery/gemmology); Andrea Ratti (3D Design teacher); Laura Bernacchi (goldsmith workshop teacher); Dalila Bertazzo (goldsmith workshop teacher).

Federpreziosi launches the Varese wedding ring. The Gallarate Goldsmith School will design it

varesina wedding ring gallarate rings – MALPENSA24

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