Waste, Schifani tries to defuse the ecological bomb in half of Sicily: here’s where they will be “diverted”

Waste, Schifani tries to defuse the ecological bomb in half of Sicily: here’s where they will be “diverted”
Waste, Schifani tries to defuse the ecological bomb in half of Sicily: here’s where they will be “diverted”

We worked in silence yesterday in Palermo. The finishing touches to the extraordinary, but temporary, ordinance that Renato Schifani will sign today to avoid the collapse of the waste system. The governor, together with the regional energy councilor Roberto Di Mauro, has no intention of transforming half of Sicily into a dustbin. The danger must be averted. Also because the streets of the island are packed with tourists. “We cannot afford to turn a walk through the beauties of our cities into an obstacle course through rubbish”, is the watchword at Palazzo D’Orleans.

The same objective was set by the 200 mayors involved in the stoppage of the Lentini plant managed by the three judicial administrators of Sicula Trasporti. In Catania, for example, Enrico Trantino has suspended all local markets with the exception of the historic fairs at the Pescheria and Piazza Carlo Alberto. This morning the mayor himself will explain to traders how they should dispose of separated waste. And if the rules are not respected on Tuesday no sales counter will be set up in the Etna capital. Until we return to normality and the arrears are cleared. Meanwhile the garbage collectors are continuing to clean the city. But the spaces are not infinite. It is hoped that from tomorrow, with the issue of the Region’s provision, the compactors will be able to be emptied. And therefore we could be back up to speed within 48 hours.

The destination

But what will be the destination of the trucks? This is the question many ask themselves. It seems that the sites identified on the island by the leaders of the regional government are those of Enna, Gela and Siculiana. With an open hypothesis, but still to be defined, also on Bellolampo in Palermo. Landfills already receive waste from other municipalities. If those coming from Catania are added to these quantities, it will mean shortening the life times of the plants. And therefore pose further critical issues to the already fragile Sicilian waste system.

“This is a temporary measure,” Di Mauro wanted to clarify on Saturday. The path, it seems, is in fact that of wanting to complete the process for the Via (Environmental Impact Assessment) in Sicula so as to be able to resume the transfer for mechanical-biological treatment in Lentini and then ship abroad. The ARPA technicians are working on this and are evaluating parameters and data collected directly in the Coda Volpe district.

Last Friday’s closure, it should be remembered, is the result of a provision from the investigating judge of Catania who had given a precise ultimatum: 24 hours for authorizations or padlocks will be put in place. Regional councilor Di Mauro’s invitation to defer for 10/15 days was of no avail. The judiciary followed his course.

On Schifani’s table there is also the appeal presented by Sicula’s lawyers who ask to cancel the act with which the process to obtain the necessary authorizations to operate is started. This, however, is another story, albeit a parallel one.

Meanwhile, today the (ecological) bomb must be defused.

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