«Bring your mentality and we will win»

There are those who would like him on the tatami or on the rowing dock «because he is someone who works with his head down and transmits all his emotions», there are those who praise «the winning head», those who simply «the direct relationship with the players.” And then «Welcome to Naples mister! Put your heart into it and you will be loved by all the Neapolitan people. Take us back to the top and redeem the bad season that just ended. Good luck and Forza Napoli always.” Word of Antonella Del Core who from far away Bangkok is leading the Italian national volleyball team towards the Paris Games. She was also trained by a winner, Julio Velasco who called her to the blue team. There are twenty Neapolitan kids chasing Olympic triumphs. The identity card matters little compared to the passion card. And so, from the very Milanese Luca Sitoson of a Neapolitan father and fresh from the national record in the 400m, comes the winning recipe: «We know that the scudetto will be difficult but like me in Rome when I set the Italian record, sometimes you just need to believe in it and I’m sure that you will be the driving force behind this new path.”

«Bring the blue back»

Protagonist of another Italian record in the 400hs Alessandro Sibilio “I have always been a season ticket holder in the distinguished superiors: I hope that Conte brings some blue back to this city.” Ready to fight with no holds barred. Taking the field in the tuna traps like the water polo players Renzuto Iodice and Velotto. «After such a disappointing year and after changing three coaches in one season there was a need for a person of great charisma – the thought of Vincenzo Renzuto Iodice – the coach will certainly change the team’s mentality and in my opinion it will be a successful season.” Alessandro Velotto he warns: «Conte is the best choice, then obviously there must be all the surroundings because we have never managed to do anything alone, so everyone united with him: players, management, public». The judoka group would like him on the tatami. Here you are Gennaro Pirelli: «He would be an excellent coach; I like him to work with his head down, he transmits emotions when he is on the bench, a Neapolitan style. The coach I like: head down and a lot of work. You have to suffer to win.” Antonio Esposito shares: «He would also be perfect as a judo coach, he has a winning head, and in sport the head is at least eighty percent of the performance». Christian Parlati adds just one word: “grit”. Susy Scutto he goes further: «I want the fourth championship». On the lanes of the rowing docks there are those who are used to managing a team of strong and large men: Alessandra Faella he is the helmsman of the blue eight that will go to Paris: «Conte? He has the precious gift of being able to get the best out of his kids. He has the right mentality and is a winner.” Also in the blue eight Vincenzo Abbagnale, someone who knows a thing or two about big names. «Charisma, personality, an added advantage for all the athletes he trains, I would like to have him in rowing too, I hope for him and for Napoli that he can revive a year that was not exactly the best». On the boat he all rows in the same direction “to improve players and performance”, he recalls Giovanni Abagnale. And if on the carpet Manila Espositoqueen of gymnastics, recalls that «Conte’s leadership will serve to return to having the satisfactions that a city like Naples deserves», Butterfly Irma Testa from the ring he comments: «Great good luck mister for this new adventure and I hope it is a breath of fresh air for Napoli after the last knockout of this season: We are all rooting for Napoli and we hope to be able to dream and rejoice again.”


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