Arrested for extortion, robbery and private violence: suspects proclaim their innocence

Arrested for extortion, robbery and private violence: suspects proclaim their innocence
Arrested for extortion, robbery and private violence: suspects proclaim their innocence

Micaela Raimondo, the Agrigento citizens Giuseppe Casà, 28 years old and Samuel Donzì, 23 years old, accused together with Gabriele Minio, 36 years old, of Raffadal (defended by the lawyer Salvatore Cusumano), of having threatened an entire family with death – father and mother with two minor children – with the aim of making them abandon the house in which they live and take possession of the property.

The two Agrigento residents, defended by lawyers Annalisa Russello and Fabio Inglima Modica, currently under house arrest, have declared themselves innocent and uninvolved in the charges brought against them. Their lawyers, after the preliminary hearing, have already asked the investigating judge to revoke their house arrest.

The story came to light after an investigation by the Carabinieri of the Agrigento Provincial Command who arrested the three young men on charges of robbery, extortion, private violence, damage and violation of domicile. A fourth person, a minor from Agrigento, is under investigation at large. The investigating judge Micaela Raimondo signed the precautionary custody order and the investigation is coordinated by deputy prosecutor Alessia Battaglia.

The story dates back to the end of May and revolves around an apartment in Raffadali inhabited by two spouses and their minor children. A property which, according to the reconstruction of the investigators, would have appealed to Minio (currently in prison), the young couple’s neighbour. Husband and wife who, within a few weeks, would have become easy targets of the suspects: insults, threats, break-in attempts and gunshots against their car. “Call your husband.. you understand I’ll shoot you.. call your husband and we’ll kill him..”. A real nightmare that convinced the couple to report the incident to the police before withdrawing the complaint, probably for fear of reprisals. The investigation activity has nevertheless taken its course and the arrests have been made.

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