2000 people for Marino and Cerella’s last race

2000 people for Marino and Cerella’s last race
2000 people for Marino and Cerella’s last race
06/27/2024 | Match #TB4SlumsDunk – (c) www.legnanobasket.it

It should have been an event to remember and it was.
On Thursday 26/06 the PalaBorsani was the stage for #TB4SLUMSDUNK, the farewell basketball game of Tommaso Marino and Bruno Cerella.
A torrid climate greeted the approximately 2000 fans who came to celebrate the careers of two modern icons of the game and two characters who will surely continue to be talked about.

The sporting reason was the end of two brilliant careers, but the noblest reason was also the fundraising for Slums Dunk, the non-profit organization founded by Tommaso and Bruno that operates in disadvantaged areas of the world, building basketball schools and outdoor playgrounds.
The occasion was a great one for all the fans who could see their favourites in action, before meeting them for the classic selfies and a little chat.
On the pitch divided into “Tommy Squad” and “Bruno Team” Davide Pascolo, Albano Chiarastella, Gianluca Gazzoli, Bryan Sacchetti, Andrea Amato, Eric Lombardi, Francesca Cassani, Paul Biligha, Gianluca Gazzoli, Rodrigo Palacio, Valerio Mazzola, Simone Fontecchio, Niccolò De Vico, Tommaso Guariglia, Mitchel Watt, Ike Udanoh, Alessandro Della Giusta, Andrea Pecchia, Jakidale, Javone, Linton Johnson, Marco Mandelli, Marco Menna, Marco Planezio, Massi Fella Felloni, Riccardo Visconti, Sebastiano Puglisi and Valentina Vignali, all presented by Alessandro Mamoli who also commented on the entire race.
On the seats on the sidelines, many friends, personalities, influencers and fans from Legnano, but also from all over Italy.

The game was hard-fought and spectacular, certainly much more interesting than any All Star Game, and we’re not saying this because it was organized for two friends but because it was played like a real game that ended 99-98 for the Tommy Squad.
An evening of fun, peppered with the performances of Da Move, the offers and the half-court shot organized by Meat Crew, the reciprocal gifts of the protagonists and the cheering that accompanied all the plays of the match with applause.

A due farewell for two sporting careers that are ending, but for new opportunities that will open up.
Thanks to everyone and especially to the guys from Slums Dunk Gabriele and Malin who organized the day

Massimiliano Giudici
Ugh. Press – Legnano Basket Knights

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