Asti Emergency Room, welcome murals in 16 languages

Asti Emergency Room, welcome murals in 16 languages
Asti Emergency Room, welcome murals in 16 languages

ASTI Welcome murals in sixteen languages ​​at the entrance to the emergency room of the Cardinal Massaia hospital in Asti, which also intensifies efforts to improve the welcome towards patients and families.

A few months after the creation of the volunteer service, which offers support to those waiting for a visit or news, the mural that embellishes the entrance to the structure was inaugurated, bearing welcome messages in various languages. The authors are Carolina Avidano and Marco Roberto, students of class IV F “Benedetto Alfieri” art school.

The project, followed by teachers Silvia Caronna and Carlo La Penna, was selected from the sketches proposed by the entire class, already involved in the creation of the large mural at the entrance of Cardinal Massaia. Specifically, on the outside of the emergency room a female figure now stands out wrapped in a dress that symbolically recalls the cultures of the five continents.

The authors explained: -«The first healthcare access channel, the Emergency Room is a service guaranteed to everyone, regardless of nationality. The girl’s body, a symbol of motherhood and hospitality, is surrounded by cultural elements from different areas of the world. We hope that everyone, looking at the mural, can perceive that they are in the right place.”

The message is reinforced by the translation of emergency room into European, Asian, American and African languages. «In this era in which public health is faltering, the emergency room remains a bulwark, a lighthouse in the night, the only answer , perhaps ungrammatical and partial, always open. The vision of the two boys, free of cynicism and open to the world, reminds those who work in this place that the Emergency Room belongs to everyone”, – commented Giovanni Caire, head of the service and promoter of the initiatives which, from the summer of 2022 , have contributed to improving the welcoming climate.

First, the shade plants arrived for the outdoor area, then it was the turn of the entire library for patients and staff. Attention made possible by the solidarity of service clubs and volunteers, now present daily in the waiting room.

The general director of the ASL At Francesco Arena declared: -«We are enthusiastic about the work created by the students with great accuracy, intelligence and sensitivity. We are happy that young local talents take care of our and their hospital. Special thanks go to principal Maria Stella Perrone and professors Silvia Caronna and Carlo La Penna, who enthusiastically welcomed the invitation to collaborate, starting a virtuous path, which will continue over time.”

Complimenting the students and teachers who passionately dedicated themselves to the project well beyond class hours, the head teacher Perrone concluded: -«We believe in the increasingly strong relationship between school and territory. It is a pride to note that in many corners of the city you can feel the talent of the “Alfieri” students.

Manuela Zoccola

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