signage, photovoltaic and paid “ranch” Il Tirreno

GROSSETO. It is the dawn of a new era for mobility (understood as the sum of logistics and traffic) at Misericordia. In fact, inside and outside the hospital, new developments are ready or on the way that closely concern patients and their families; all with the best intentions, even if one in particular could be “indigestible”.

The first concerns the newly renovated internal signage. «We waited for the pandemic to end to proceed with the new signage project», begin Michele Dentamaro, director of the hospital unit, and Nicola Falco, director of the departmental area for managing service and pharmaceutical contracts: «The pandemic had changed the geography of the health center, with movements of the departments that had been reported with an “artisanal” system”, adds Falco, and explains: “A few days ago we completed phase 1 of the renewal of the signage: signs, tables and totems that clearly indicate the routes main, distinct and identified by colors and letters”. Anyone who has recently found themselves having to orient themselves inside the Misericordia will have had this confirmed: route A in pink, B in orange, C in blue and so on.

«Phase 2, however, will be concluded (according to a prudential estimate) by June next year», anticipates Falco, who – once again – explains: «The objective is “door to door”: the signs will be progressively integrated with technology and ink screens, that (so to speak) of price tags on supermarket shelves, which allow the writing to be changed without having to replace the physical support. And users will be helped even more to orient themselves thanks to a mobile phone application capable of exploiting the potential of augmented reality.”

The second novelty concerns the exterior of the building. In December, Falco announced that by June – this June – the hospital would have a new mobility plan, long awaited because in the company’s premises it should find a new structure capable of resolving (or at least blocking) the parking problem for those going to the health center. In particular, the Plan should find a definitive solution for the dirt parking lot: the ranch, as it has been affectionately renamed by the ASL employees themselves, the one that floods every time it rains and which has just been restored for the umpteenth time. In fact, there could be a nice bitumen flow on the horizon.

«We are evaluating several hypotheses», Falco puts his hands forward, lining up the most probable alternatives on the table: «We could give it under concession to the private sector to renovate it, in exchange for multi-year management, or seek a partnership with the Municipality: in any case whoever puts in the resources will asphalt the clearing and make it safe. It is reasonable to think – he adds – that, whether private or public, the entity will want to return its investment: it is not excluded that we will be able to see a toll booth with a barrier at access to the area, just as there could be a minimal reduction in the number of stalls available ».

Opposite, the third and final innovation is collateral to the parking issue in the strict sense, but still promises to bring at least one indirect benefit to those who go by car to the Misericordia: it is the construction of a photovoltaic system destined to rise above the main parking stalls which serves the new wing of the hospital. The general director Antonio D’Urso has in fact signed a resolution, a few days ago, which favorably welcomes the proposal, sent on 29 May by the director of the complex operational unit “Energy and environmental protection” Daniele Giorni, which is part of the a path traced a month ago by the Tuscany Region with the resolution to launch a tender which finances non-repayable, to a maximum extent of 80 percent, energy production interventions from renewable sources for public buildings and for RSAs, placing as maximum contribution that can be granted for healthcare companies is 3 million euros.

In this context, from the technical investigations conducted by the South East, a co-financing of 750 thousand euros will be necessary. The calculations are soon done, and the spending commitment has already found adequate coverage in the 2024-2026 Investment Plan, just as the drafting of the request for access to the financing of the tender has been entrusted to the consortium company Energia Toscana. A significant detail remains to be finalised: «Next to that car park there is the helicopter emergency stand (and we cannot think of moving it): we must carefully evaluate the risk that the reflection of the panels could interfere with the view of the pilot”, finally comments Falco again, moving with leaden feet.

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