Lecce weather, the forecast for tomorrow Monday 24 June

The weather forecast in Lecce for Monday 24 June they predict generally stable and sunny conditions for most of the day. The maximum temperature will reach i 28.8°C around hours 12:00 pmwith a perception of heat that can reach up to 29.7°C. Cloud cover will be variable, with scattered clouds in the morning which will tend to thin out throughout the day.

During the morningstarting from hours 06:00there will be scattered clouds with a cloud cover of 28%. Temperatures will remain around 25-27°Cwith a light breeze coming from the North – North West.

In the afternoongive her 1:00 pm onwards, the sky will present itself serene with cloud cover around the 5%. Maximum temperatures will be around 28-29°Cwith light winds coming from the North.

In the evening, starting from 6pmthe sky will remain serene with cloud cover less than 5%. Temperatures will gradually drop, remaining around 24-25°C.

The weather conditions in Lecce for the next few days are expected to be stable, with temperatures remaining at similar values ​​and cloud cover varying slightly. It is advisable to pay attention to the hottest hours of the day and protect yourself adequately from the sun’s rays.

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