Milan, Suma attacks: “If Fonseca finishes fourth with Lille he is called poor, instead Thiago Motta…”

Milan, Suma attacks: “If Fonseca finishes fourth with Lille he is called poor, instead Thiago Motta…”
Milan, Suma attacks: “If Fonseca finishes fourth with Lille he is called poor, instead Thiago Motta…”

The European Championships and Italy, which is busy in Germany, are taking the attention away slightly from the Rossoneri’s corporate affairs. The transfer market maneuvers, although everything seems to be at a standstill, continue quietly and in the shadows. The names and departments to be reinforced are always the same. Attack and defense, with some adjustments also in the middle of the pitch. Obviously, we must also keep an eye on the departure situation, with the fans keeping their fingers crossed that the pillars do not leave Milan.

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Incoming, as has been widely underlined for a month now, the first profile on the list is that of the first striker, in particular Joshua Zirkzee. The commissions requested by the agent, so far, are the only real obstacle between the Rossoneri club and the Dutch player. Furthermore, Manchester United also seems to have made a move on him. In defense they like Emerson Royal, in midfield the favorites are Fofana and Wieffer.

The only certainty, at the moment, is the coach, Paulo Fonseca. One of the main journalists of the Rossoneri world spoke about the new Milan coach, Mauro Suma. On his YouTube channel, the former director of Milan Channel wanted to defend the Portuguese, taking a dig at Thiago Motta.

“I would have been very happy, I confess candidly, even if Thiago Motta had arrived at Milan. Thiago is very good. But dear narration, explain to me why if you come 5th with Bologna you are a genius and if instead you come 4th with Lille (who took 10th) you are poor?

The journalist wanted to reiterate his trust in the former Roma and Lille coach, highlighting a positive result obtained with a medium-ranking team. As said by Ibrahimovic, Fonseca was chosen for his game proposal and his ability to help young players grow, which is fundamental for the Rossoneri’s future.

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