Bad weather, yellow code for storms in Livorno: here’s when Il Tirreno

Bad weather, yellow code for storms in Livorno: here’s when Il Tirreno
Bad weather, yellow code for storms in Livorno: here’s when Il Tirreno

LIVORNO. Pressure decreasing due to the arrival of an Atlantic depression which will also bring thunderstorms to Tuscany in the next few hours. The regional civil protection operations room has issued a yellow code for strong storms that will affect the entire region, valid from 8 am to 10 pm on Sunday 23 June. A critical issue which obviously also concerns Livorno.

«In the event of warnings of critical issues or weather alerts, citizens are advised to raise the level of normal prudence and to follow the indications provided by the municipal civil protection and information channels on traffic, as well as the evolution of weather conditions via radio, TV institutional websites, and in case of heavy rain observe the following precautions – writes the civil protection – avoid crossing flooded roads and underpasses if they appear flooded as the depth and speed of the water could be greater than it appears; the force of the precipitation could cause the manhole caps to come out of their seats: pay attention when driving even on slightly flooded streets; be careful when traveling along roads where the water has receded because there could be dangers; avoid passing or stopping along the banks of watercourses, and on bridges and walkways; place barriers to prevent water from flooding rooms below street level, such as cellars and underground garages”.

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