the activity in a private home – Nordest24

PORDENONE – The work of the Judicial Police Team of the Pordenone Traffic Police Section does not stop, which continues to monitor car dealerships, mechanical workshops, body shops, car dismantlers, tire dealers and spare parts retailers in the province.

An illegal workshop discovered in Pordenone

In recent weeks, in a municipality in the Province of Pordenone, the agents of the Traffic Police Section, together with the Pordenone Police Headquarters, discovered a completely illegal workshop operating in a private home. The manager of the business not only lacked the necessary administrative authorizations, such as registration with the Chamber of Commerce, but also the required professional qualifications and did not comply with fire regulations. A dozen cars, both Italian and foreign, were found in the workshop, ready for maintenance or already undergoing repairs.

Sanctions for the person responsible and the owners of the vehicles

The workshop manager was fined with heavy administrative sanctions amounting to several thousand euros. The owners of the vehicles, although to a lesser extent, were also sanctioned for having entrusted their vehicles to an illegal workshop, violating the law. The equipment used, including a folding hydraulic crane, compressors, technical and engine lifting tools, were seized for subsequent confiscation.

A completely illegal garage discovered

Discovery of hazardous waste

During the checks, significant quantities of hazardous and non-hazardous waste were found in the area adjacent to the garden and a mechanical material warehouse. This required the intervention of specialized personnel from ARPA FVG for environmental surveys.

Report for abandonment of waste and construction irregularities

At the end of the checks, the owner of the business, of foreign nationality and resident in the Pordenone area, was reported to the Public Prosecutor’s Office at the Court of Pordenone for abandonment and uncontrolled storage of waste according to the Consolidated Environmental Law. Furthermore, important cadastral and urban planning irregularities of the building used as a workshop were detected, which is why the owner and the person responsible were reported pursuant to the Consolidated Law on Construction.

A completely illegal garage discoveredA completely illegal garage discovered
A completely illegal garage discovered

The protection of competition and the environment

The State Police constantly checks compliance with the regulations on waste disposal and the regular acquisition of the necessary authorizations and licenses, not only for the protection of the environment, but also to guarantee fair competition between companies in the sector.

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