Reggio Calabria, here are the 2024 Muse Awards: the awarded personalities

The cultural season will open on Sunday 30 June at 9pm “Le Muse” Laboratory of Arts and Letters in Reggio Calabriainauguration which is the occasion for the assignment of the important “Award” which over the years has seen as testimonials Rosanna Cancellieri – Rai presenter, Michele Gaudiomonte – stylist, Emilia Costantini – head of culture of the Corriere della Sera, Alda D’Eusanio – television presenter, Fioretta Mari – actress, Roberto Bilotti Ruggi D’Aragona – patron , Beatrice Feo Filangeri – Norman nobleman, Micaela – singer, HE Mons. Milito – vice president of the Calabrian Episcopal Conference, Cesare Mulè – historian, Anton Giulio Grande – stylist, Odette Nicoletti – costume designer – Tonino Raffa – Rai journalist, Anna Maria Galgano president Rodolfo Valentino Foundation, Franco Pascale – president of the Leoncavallo Foundation, Mons. Liberto – former director of the Pontifical Choir, Antonio Marziale – president of the Minors Observatory, Giacomo Battaglia – actor, Spadafora Family – goldsmiths, Gigi Misefari – actor, Marinetta Saglio – photographer, Vivien Hewitt – director and costume designer, Lella Golfo – president of the Marisa Bellissario Foundation, Giuseppe Garufi – national president of Adisco, Piera Levi Montalcini – president of the Montalcini Association.

First Prize to Carmen Lasorella: her story

The cultural association “Le Muse – Laboratory of Arts and Letters” for this new edition of the Award and therefore of the Muse Nights 2024 has decided to create well twenty past three for the well-known recognition. The first one will see the delivery to Carmen Lasorella, journalist. Raised in Potenza, she is the daughter of Salvatore, a lawyer and former partisan, and Angela, a pharmacist. She has a younger brother, Giacomo, university professor and president of AGCOM. She took her first steps in the world of journalism at the age of fourteen, writing for La Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno. After attending the “Quinto Orazio Flacco” classical high school in Potenza, she graduated with top marks in law from the “Sapienza” in Rome with a thesis on the right to information and radio and television broadcasting in Italy and abroad. In the capital she collaborates with the newspaper il Globo and the Radiocor and ANSA agencies, as well as working, for a certain period, as a legal attorney. She made her debut in Rai in 1979, with a report dedicated to the Basilicata Literary Prize, and was entrusted with the presentation of Tg3.

In 1980 she made her debut as a radio host on Radio anch’io, replacing Gianni Bisiach for a week. In 1984 you moved to hosting Tg2, a role you held for more than a decade. The first Italian journalist to cover the role of war correspondent for television, she became particularly known for her reportages in Africa, the Middle and the Far East. Her first report concerns Operation Gulf 1 in 1987, at the end of the conflict between Iran and Iraq. You follow other events in the Horn of Africa such as the fall of the Menghistu regime in Ethiopia and the conflicts in Djibouti and Somalia, where you carried out the last interview with the dictator Siad Barre. In 1995 she survived an ambush in Mogadishu set up by a group of mercenaries. She is injured while her colleague Marcello Palmisano and ten men from the escort lose their lives. She is kidnapped by the mercenaries, she is then released.

The circumstances are still unclear, one thesis claims that she and her crew were mistakenly involved in a clash between multinationals for control of Somali bananas. In July 1996 you were appointed head of Rai’s external relations and assistant to the board of directors and the president, with the title of deputy director. She is the presenter of programs on Rai 1 and Rai 2, such as the political-themed quiz Politistrojka (1990) and the talk show Cliché (1996), as well as having created and hosted specials such as The Lakes of Blood (1996), on the crisis of the Lakes in Africa; Abraham’s Dream (1997), about conflicts in the Middle East; The Challenge of Hong Kong (1997), about the return of the British colony to China. From July 1999 to June 2003 you were responsible and correspondent for the RAI office in Berlin, with expertise in Eastern European countries. In 2008 you published Green and Saffron, A Loud Voice for Burma, a book on the Burmese revolution with an interview with Aung San Suu Kyi. From May 2008 to October 2012 she was the general and editorial director of San Marino RTV.

On 24 April 2013 he became president of RaiNet, until its closure the following year. In 2015 she is the narrator of the fifth episode of Techetechete’. She will tell the Muses about her first novel “Vera. And the slaves of the third millennium” set in a technological era that can become an enemy and at the same time an ally of the human race, where the lives of its characters belonging to different generations are constantly intertwined. Vera, a human rights activist, is the protagonist of this novel. She is tenacious, persevering and resolute. At the time of writing the novel she has been leading a consortium that is part of a large international organization that works on behalf of migrants for about a couple of years.

The plot of the work unfolds between private affairs, threats and cyber attacks, through which the protagonist manages to find the strength and energy to fight against crime. It is precisely thanks to her constant battle that throughout the story, Vera meets new friends and new enemies, discovers new talents and comes into contact with real life stories. The protagonist fights to combat the criminal activities that are spreading to the detriment of those forced to migrate. Migrants are the slaves of the third millennium, a vulnerable, invisible and rightsless humanity.

Second appointment with the “Regina Schrecker: Students in Pop Art” competition

The second appointment will be on July 7th again at 9pm when the former Regina Schrecker Muse Prize returns to the Cortile delle Muse in via San Giuseppe for the award ceremony of the competition entitled “Regina Schrecker: Students in Pop Art” aimed at students of the last year of primary school and to students of all classes of lower secondary school. The school world of the metropolitan city will thus be present to witness the creative strength of the new generations through the indications of a woman who is an icon of style in the world.

The Award goes to Ilaria Grillini, journalist

On Friday 26 July, again at 9pm, the winner will be Ilaria Grillini, a professional journalist since 1999. Since 1991 she has been at Fininvest producing Tg5 and subsequently, as a journalist, at Mediaset. In Rai since 2000, you have carried out live interviews and reports relating to current affairs, fashion and customs in the program “La vita in diretta”, then collaborating on various programmes. Together with your colleagues Paola Pisa and Roberta Petronio you wrote the book Romane (2013). For the occasion she will speak to the Muses about her book “Elizabeth the Italian Queen” since the Windsor family is certainly one of the reigning families that has made headlines over the years. From when Edward VIII renounced the kingdom to marry the beautiful American Wallis Simpson, up to the present day and all the gossip that revolves around Prince Harry and his wife Meghan Markle.

Ilaria Grillini, an expert journalist on the subject of crowned heads from all over Europe, in this book reconstructs the privileged relationship that all the exponents of the English royal family have had with Italy, thanks also to the testimonies of people – nobles, politicians and representatives of the institutions , entrepreneurs and ordinary people – who had the pleasure of meeting them. Not only Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, but also George V, the Queen Mother, Charles and Diana, and more recently the young Harry with his wife, have often come to our country, and have visited it from Piedmont to Sicily, passing through Rome and Florence.

Starting therefore from the five “and a half” official trips of Queen Elizabeth, the author tells us many curious anecdotes about the English Royals – from the lesser-known gaffes of Prince Philip to the Queen’s dirty looks at the servants who do not know how to respect some details of the protocol at the table , from Diana’s absent and melancholic mood on her trip to Italy with Charles to the Prince of Wales’ good taste in wines – in an unpublished chapter on the history of the English Royal House, which has always made everyone discuss and dream.

Ilaria Grillini

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