the Festival of Apulian roots in Galatina – PugliaLive – Online information newspaper

the Festival of Apulian roots in Galatina – PugliaLive – Online information newspaper
the Festival of Apulian roots in Galatina – PugliaLive – Online information newspaper

Wednesday 26 June 2024

Three engaging roots workshops open to the public

Pasticciotto Leccese, papier-mâché, silk-screen printing

Wednesday 26 June “Italea Puglia: the Festival of Apulian roots” stops at Galatina (Lecce), for an engaging afternoon of activities to discover the artisanal creativity of Salento made with patronage of City of Galatina.

Italy Puglia it is part of the territorial network of the “Italea” project of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation within the PNRR “Roots Tourism” program. The mission of Italea Puglia is to build a tourist and cultural offer eminently dedicated to Italians and Italian descendants abroad, in particular to those with Apulian origins, inviting them to make their own “roots journey” in Puglia. The mission of Italea Puglia is to contribute to creating new bridges between local communities and those who have emigrated abroad, and to network to recover values ​​and knowledge of the past as tools for staying in the present, overturning the imagination on the places where a time the need to leave arose.

“Italea Puglia: the celebration of Apulian roots” is a traveling festival organized in the Tacco area on the occasion of the “2024 Year of Italian Roots” promoted by Maeci, which aims to create a network of events including patronal festivals, cinema and music festivals, photographic exhibitions and other cultural events of interest to roots travellers. As part of these events, activities, performance events and in-depth talks on the themes of the cultural identity of Apulian communities and the history of migration will be co-planned with Italea Puglia, also with the involvement of Apulian communities abroad.

There Galatina stop has the aim of enhancing the wonderful town in the heart of Salento, guardian of important monuments such as the Basilica of Santa Caterina d’Alessandria, elective home of the cult of Saint Paul and of rites linked to tarantism, home of the Lecce pasticciotto.

Italy Puglia and Galatina

“Italea Puglia: the celebration of Apulian roots” is an engaging community event in which participants will be able to delve deeper into local artisanal knowledge and put their creative skills to the test by experimenting with three root laboratories promoted by Italea Puglia in Galatina: Yours Madeleine from Puglia: the Lecce pasticciotto held by Luigi Derniolo, Create your own souvenir from Puglia / papier-mâché held by Andrea Merico e Create your own souvenir from Puglia / screen printing held by Angelica Dragone.

The laboratories are among those selected within a educational tours organized in April 2024 by Municipality of Galatinain which the Italea Puglia group was able to meet artisans, artists, farmers, scholars and other creators of unique experiences, “testimonials” of the theme chosen by Galatina for the promotion of the 2024 territory: “Roots. In the heart of emotions”.

Galatina was thus included in the proposal for migrant memory itineraries, roots workshops and study holidays Italy Pugliawhich will be officially presented on 28 and 29 June in the international mission promoted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Sao Paulo, Brazil.

The program for Wednesday 26 June

Wednesday 26 June “Italea Puglia: the Festival of Apulian roots in Galatina” a few days from the patronal feast of Saints Peter and Paul which will be held from 28 to 30 June.

It starts at 6pm at the meeting point in St. Peter’s Square, outside the Bar Eros, for the reception and registration of participants.

To welcome, Rita Piccinni And Giorgia Salicandro of Italy Puglia and Barbara Perronehead of Territorial Marketing and Communication – Staff of the Mayor of Galatina.

Once the participants have been accompanied to the master craftsmen’s workshops (all in the historic centre), the three root workshops will open at the same time at 6.30pm, each lasting approximately one hour.

Ø Participation in the workshops is free with a membership card – card contribution 5 euros; for info and registration [email protected] / whatsapp +39 388 658 2298 (limited places).

The roots laboratories of Italea Puglia

Yours Madeleine from Puglia: the Lecce pasticciotto

What a delight is pasticciotto leccese, the most famous dessert in Salento! Shortcrust pastry, custard and then a fundamental ingredient: artisanal knowledge. Participants will be guided by the master pastry chef, a renowned representative of the “Galatina school” where the original recipe was born. The Lecce pasticciotto will thus become one “Madeleine” Proustian which, after a distance of time and kilometres, will be able to reawaken a sweet memory of the Salento land everywhere.

Create your own souvenir from Puglia / papier-mâché and screen printing

We always want to bring home a small object as a reminder of our travels. But why limit yourself to shopping? Thanks to this workshop, the participants themselves will create an unforgettable gift, for themselves or for their loved ones! They will be supported by the masters of the ancient artistic techniques of papier-mâché and silk-screen printing, who will accompany them step by step through paper and glue, colors and fabrics. And voilathey will be able to take their own home souvenirs personalized Apulian.

Italy Puglia

ITALEA PUGLIA is part of the territorial network of the “Italea” project of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, as part of the “Roots Tourism” program supported by the PNRR. The Italea Puglia project is created by the Radici di Puglia Aps association, the winner of the MAECI’s “Root Tourism” call for ideas.

As part of the national project, the mission of Italea Puglia is to attract and welcome to the Heel of Italy Apulians and Apulian Italian-descendants abroad who intend to discover the places and traditions of their origins, creating services, activities and events dedicated.

The objective of Italea Puglia is therefore to network and valorise the most dynamic realities active in the area, both for the creation of a tourist offer expressly dedicated to traditional travellers, and with a view to valorising the bond between local communities and foreign communities.

The “itineraries of migrant memory” created by Italea Puglia therefore include – in addition to the most representative elements of the Apulian historical-cultural heritage – the villages, the museums of traditions, the eco-museums and other places of memory dedicated in particular to the history of emigration and social history, the places of origin of the world-famous Apulians, events linked to tradition such as patronal festivals, and other proposals of interest to the chosen target.

The “roots laboratories” of Italea Puglia enclose the knowledge of the origins through engaging activities, such as visits to the artisan workshops custodians of ancient crafts, cooking classes to prepare dishes from the past, courses in Italian culture and language, local dialects and traditions, oral tradition music, singing and dance workshops, and much more.

Italea Puglia therefore aims to enhance the hinterland, to reduce the seasonality of flows and to diversify the target by age, origin and interests: the new image of Puglia, in the coming years, will hopefully also pass from the places where the need once originated to leave and where today dynamic realities that network recover values ​​and knowledge of the past as tools to stay in the present and project themselves into the future.

In 2024 in Puglia there is “Italea Puglia: the festival of Apulian roots”, a traveling festival – as part of the “2024 Year of Italian roots” promoted by Maeci – which aims to create a network of events including patronal festivals, cinema and music festivals, photographic exhibitions and other cultural events of interest to traditional travellers. As part of these events, activities, performance events and in-depth talks on the themes of the cultural identity of Apulian communities and the history of migration will be co-planned with Italea Puglia, also with the involvement of Apulian communities abroad.

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