“you will forever be my second skin”

After 6 long seasons with the eagle on the chest, Claudia Palombi announced that he is leaving the Lazio Womenfor a destination not yet revealed. “You will forever be my second skin”writes on her Instagram profile the striker born in 1997, who bids farewell to Lazio with a long and touching message, followed by images of her journey with the eagle on her chest. A journey made of tears, joys, but above all strong emotions, like the last one, that of the promotion to Serie A in the season that has just ended. A Biancoceleste fan since she was a child, she therefore chooses the best moment to say goodbye to her Lazio and thanks them for having made her the woman she is now.


Claudia Palombi’s message for her Lazio

6 years, 6 seasons, 2 promotions to Serie A, infinite tears, infinite joys, infinite emotions.
How could I explain all this to you?
You have been love, hate, passion, commitment, dedication and curse.
You taught me to win but above all to lose.
You taught me respect, towards this shirt and towards these colours.
You were, are and will always be my second skin.
You taught me what it means to sacrifice yourself for something but above all for someone.
You taught me that the individual means nothing if there is no solid group behind him.
You taught me that these colors are precious and that they must be respected even before being loved.
You taught me that in life nobody gives you anything for free and that to achieve what you believe in you just have to fight every day.
You were home, family, love but above all a safe place to take refuge every damn day, every damn Sunday.
Thank you for making all my dreams come true.
Thank you for introducing me to people I will always carry with me.
Thank you, because today without you, I wouldn’t be me.
The curtain closes on Lazio Mia.
I kept my promise.
I swear, I will tell about you.
Destined to Fly!

The post on his Instagram profile

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