“emergency status procedure activated”

“emergency status procedure activated”
“emergency status procedure activated”

They went beyond that 580 during the night between Saturday and Sunday the interventions carried out by the Civil Protection and Fire Brigade to secure the Piedmontese populations affected by the wave of bad weather which hit the Canavese area, the Lanzo Valleys in the Turin area, and the Verbano, Valsesia and Vercellese valleys. This was announced by the President of Piedmont, Alberto Cirio, on the sidelines of the arrival in Turin of the Tour de France. “We had a complicated Saturday night and Sunday – Cirio observed – but once again the Piedmontese Civil Protection machine worked excellently. We saved hundreds of people, especially elderly people, children and teenagers, because in our mountains there were numerous summer colonies that were evacuated and made safe. Today we are left with the damage calculation for which we have already activated the recognition procedure state of emergency and today the first technical inspections are already underway.”

The emergency has more and more characteristics that we must not underestimate – continued Cirio – they are events that are difficult to predict, they are violent phenomena but limited in space. This is what we are dealing with, but from ’94 to today the safety measures in Piedmont have made it possible to limit the impacts of the disturbances”.

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