The Prato market. Monticone and Diana towards reconfirmation

The Prato market. Monticone and Diana towards reconfirmation
The Prato market. Monticone and Diana towards reconfirmation

The first official announcements from Prato should arrive next week. The blue and white president, Stefano Commini, will be in town for the whole week, almost certainly to put pen to paper on the signing of the first contracts. In goal, in the very likely case of keeping a top defender and an experienced one, Ricco seems close to being confirmed. The confirmations of the expert defenders Monticone and Diana are now almost certain, while the negotiations with Angeli are at a good stage, but not yet so defined. Laverone’s stay is less likely, however, because in the meantime we are looking for another experienced player. “We would like to have a championship to fight in the top positions and we are looking for important players – explains coach Maurizio Ridolfi, who however remains very tight-lipped about the names -. The idea of ​​the game will remain the same as the last matches seen last season. Defense at 3, midfield at 4 with two players acting behind the striker. Then in progress it can lend itself to becoming a 3-4-3, a 3-5-2, a 3-4-2-1 high altitude kids with experience in the category and we will give space to our important nursery”.

In midfield, said Remedi, who seems to be the most certain signing to date, Trovade could also ultimately remain in the blue and white. The permanence of Sadek, Gargiulo and Gemignani is more difficult. Cela needs to be discussed separately, given that he underwent surgery and will have a long rehabilitation process ahead of him. He could be useful as a reinforcement in January, but it’s all to be evaluated. In attack we will not see Sowe, D’Agostino and Santarpia again. Moreo and Oliverio have another year on their contracts, but Diallo is still liked too. Gori’s future will also be understood on the basis of this negotiation. The team will meet at Lungobisenzio on July 25th for a pre-retreat where a series of tests will be carried out (staff reconfirmed with the deputy Cesaretti, the trainers Falasca and Rossi and the goalkeeper trainer Fema), while from July 29th the team will go for 10 days in retreat in Porretta Terme.


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