The focus on Viareggio of the Provincial Committee for public order and safety

The focus on Viareggio of the Provincial Committee for public order and safety
The focus on Viareggio of the Provincial Committee for public order and safety

Over the last few months, there have been several meetings of the Provincial Committee for public order and safety aimed at defining the lines of action necessary to increasingly raise the safety standard in the province, in close collaboration with the local administrators and in addition to the institutional activity carried out daily by each component. Also for the city of Viareggio, the body – chaired by the Prefect Giusi Scaduto and composed of the Mayor Giorgio del Ghingaro, the Police Commissioner Edgardo Giobbi, the provincial Commander of the Carabinieri Arturo Sessa and the provincial Commander of the Guardia di Finanza Marco Querqui – carried out specific insights into the most important issues which were followed by the agreed measures. In particular, last April, the Municipality of Viareggio approved the “Police and urban decorum regulation”, an indispensable tool for the protection of urban safety. Furthermore, the Municipality has also prepared projects to strengthen the video surveillance system, already approved by the CPOSP and awaiting regional funding, the implementation of which will be an important aid in identifying the perpetrators of crimes. Lastly, the Mayor anticipated that from next July 1st, the Municipal Police will guarantee 24-hour shifts during the weekends of the summer months, in order to relieve the local police from the task of detecting road accidents. Furthermore, the local police, with the support of the State Police and the Carabinieri, proceeded to restore legal conditions at the former Telecom building, which was the subject of illegal occupation, with risks to public health.

On the other hand, the Police Commissioner has adopted 10 “D.Ac.Ur. Willy” and 2 suspensions of business licenses former art. 100 TULPS, also on the proposal of the provincial Carabinieri Command. Furthermore, from January 1st to May 31st, 1,831 vehicles and 16,000 people were checked by the State Police.

The Carabinieri arrested several individuals believed to be responsible for predatory crimes, such as thefts from commercial establishments and vehicles.

The Guardia di Finanza continued its action to combat counterfeiting, also seizing unsafe products for a total of 400,000 pieces, as well as sums of money and jewelery as part of an illegal gold buying activity.

Numerous seizures of narcotic substances by the police, including 3.3 kg of hashish divided into ovules found in the Varignano district during an economic-financial police operation.

In relation to the most recent episodes of brawls and youth violence, in compliance with the parallel judicial activity, extraordinary inter-force services have been arranged to control the territory, the outcomes of which will be the subject of specific in-depth analysis.

Further initiatives are being examined by the Committee, with the maximum involvement of the school and social components, as already happened in April on the occasion of the “United against drug addiction” event promoted at the Tearo Jenco in Viareggio by the Prefecture and the provincial student council .

That is – underlines the Prefect – in the common awareness that urban security cannot ignore both the concrete and loyal collaboration between the institutions and the active and convinced adherence of every citizen to the rules of civil coexistence. And it is from this perspective that maximum attention will continue to be paid, with the constant optimization of resources and the coordinated use of reinforcements that the Ministry of the Interior has recently ensured to the Police Force for the summer season.

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