away permanently? Genoa in pole, but Parma doesn’t let go

away permanently? Genoa in pole, but Parma doesn’t let go
away permanently? Genoa in pole, but Parma doesn’t let go

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For some time now, various sources have been talking about Parma’s interest in him Fabio Miretti. Despite his young age, the Juventus midfielder managed to carve out a space for himself as a protagonist with Massimiliano Allegri at the helm of the Bianconeri, but now, with the arrival of Thiago Motta on the Old Lady’s bench, the balance could change. According to reports from TuttoSportIn fact, the Italian-Brazilian coach does not consider the 2003 class untransferable and his departure during this summer transfer window is anything but a possibility to be ruled out. Furthermore, according to the national newspaper, the boy could even leave Turin permanently, also considering the many suitors willing to invest cash for the player. Genoa, Monza, Bologna, Empoli and indeed the Crociati remain on the sidelines, but it seems that the Ligurians are ahead of all the others also given the presence of the rossoblù sporting director Marco Ottolini who would be particularly intent on bringing the former Golden to Genoa Boy 2022.

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