Teramo. Via Cavallari, work restarts in Piazzale San Francesco. Story of a miracle…

Teramo. Via Cavallari, work restarts in Piazzale San Francesco. Story of a miracle…
Teramo. Via Cavallari, work restarts in Piazzale San Francesco. Story of a miracle…

This morning the council approved the variant appraisal relating to completion
of the redevelopment of the Piazzale San Francesco bus station.
Intervention of which TUA is the implementer and financed under the Abruzzo Masterplan for
562,500 euros, which includes, among other things, the arrangement of the parking area, the
reorganization of the stalls, installation of shelters, new lighting.
The variant report, presented by the regional public transport company, has been delivered
necessary after in-depth inspections revealed a condition of the building
more damaged than initially detected during the design phase and its approval
will allow, also thanks to the additional resources guaranteed by the Municipality of Teramo and those of the
Region, the now imminent resumption of work, already in July, on the basis of a certain timetable
it is defined.
The new works will affect the entire steel structure, with an intervention
structural extended to the entire building and not only to the portion subject to the intervention of the Masterplan,
which will allow us to redevelop not only the bathroom area and the waiting room but also the bar areas.
The cost estimated by Tua for these works is approximately 62,000 euros, the economic coverage of which will be
guaranteed by the Municipality which has already entered the relevant amount in the budget.
“As soon as we detected, together with TUA, the need for further interventions, with the related
economic coverage – underlines the Mayor Gianguido D’Alberto – we took action to find the
related resources, with a view to maximum collaboration between institutions. This also in the
consideration of the strategic value of the Piazzale San Francesco bus station within the
planning of the urban sustainable mobility plan. Plan that foresees flooding
valorisation of this fundamental hub of interchange and integration between the means of
public and private transport, also due to its location on the outskirts of the historic center and in close proximity
connection with the complex of the future “Citadel of Culture”, which will be built in the former
mental hospital. Now, with the approval of the variant appraisal, the works will be able to restart
conclude, we hope, in the shortest possible time.”

“We start again with enthusiasm and determination – comments the Councilor for Public Works Marco Di
– guaranteeing the conclusion of the works that the city has been waiting for for some time and which
they will change the face of a strategic infrastructure and space for the mobility system.
I am completing a path that the former Councilors Verna and have followed in recent years
Maranella and, in the last year, the former Councilor Cavallari, and to whom the
councilor Flavio Bartolini. My thanks go to all of them and our offices. In the next days
we will also reopen the discussion with all stakeholders, starting with
trade union organizations and transport companies”.

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