sudden illness, 50-year-old man dies leaving the bar

FERMIGNANO A woman fell the other evening from the third floor of the building where she lived in Fermignano. She died shortly afterwards from her serious injuries. She was rescued as soon as the alarm was raised. An ambulance from Urbino’s 118 emergency number went urgently to the place where the accident had occurred.

In the meantime, the air ambulance had been alerted and in the middle of the night it landed in Fossombrone on the platform next to the hospital premises. The night flight made us immediately think that something serious had happened. Icarus remained stationary for a long time without taking off. Another detail that suggested that the situation had become irrecoverable. Confirmation arrived as the minutes passed. According to the reconstruction of the carabinieri, the flight from the third floor would have been a voluntary gesture.

Fulminant heart attack at age 50

Yesterday morning, again in Fermignano, a man from Fossombrone, Leonardo Monaldi, in his early fifties, suffered a sudden heart attack, collapsed to the ground and died outside the bar of the Tamoil service station. Every attempt to rescue him was in vain. The news spread throughout the Metaurense town, causing dismay. This is an esteemed man. Another mournful event that marked a day of drama. Two communities in mourning due to destinies that remain inexplicable.


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Adriatic Courier

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