Vittorio Veneto, here is the new council | Today Treviso | News

VITTORIO VENETO – After Julius DeAntoni (Vittorio Futura Project) and Marco So (Pd) the mayor Mirella Balliana announces two more assessors in pectore: Barbara DeNardi (Pd) ed Enrico Padoan (Balliana civic list mayor). To close the team of the council, only the fifth assessor is missing, who will be a woman, a name that will be announced by the mayor in the next few hours.

Per Saturday, July 13th the first municipal council meeting has been set: it will be chaired by the “senior” councilor, that is, the one who obtained the highest number of personal preferences added to the list votes, Martha DeNardi (Balliana mayor civic list) who, despite the title assigned to her for this first session, is, at 21 years of age, the youngest municipal councillor of this council and in the history of Vittorio Veneto. The time of the council meeting has yet to be defined, in the morning anyway, and the location, which could be the civic hall of the Battle Museum, a venue chosen by Roberto Tonon for its first session, or the classic council chamber, chosen five years ago by Antonio Miatto.

“The council team is almost complete,” Balliana said exactly one week after taking office as mayor of Vittorio Veneto. “Now the presidency of the city council is missing. We would like this role to be shared by the entire coalition.” Two names are given as favorites for this role: Alessandro DeBastiani (Civic Rebirth-Participate Vittorio) and Roberto Tonon (Pd).

For Balliana, what ends today is the first week as mayor: «Very intense days – he confides -, in which we have started to take charge of some issues and problems, verifying on the maintenance front what are the emergencies to be addressed. I then had the opportunity to participate in the assembly of Piave Servizi and of the Association of Municipalities of the Marca Trevigiana and to meet the president of the Unione montana Prealpi Trevigiane».

If De Antoni will deal with budget and personnel and Dus with urban planning and environment, De Nardi, a lawyer, will manage the legal affairs of the institution and other reports, while Padoan, a university professor, will handle culture. As for public works, these could be the responsibility of De Antoni or the mayor herself. Balliana then announces the assignment to the majority councilors of specific delegations to support the assessors.

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