Bari, the first wrist prosthesis in the entire South has been implanted: “Now the patient moves the limb and no longer has pain”

Bari, the first wrist prosthesis in the entire South has been implanted: “Now the patient moves the limb and no longer has pain”
Bari, the first wrist prosthesis in the entire South has been implanted: “Now the patient moves the limb and no longer has pain”

The first wrist prosthetic implant ever done in Southern Italy was performed at the Bari Polyclinic. The latest generation device, as reported this morning by the local edition of Republic, was implanted in a 57-year-old patient who risked complete immobility of the wrist after a poorly healed fracture of the scaphoid which also caused him acute pain. The operation was successful and allowed the recovery of full functionality of the joint in humans, the team directed by Prof. now claims. Giuseppe Solarino. to a 57 year old man. «Today it is a source of particular pride to be able to say that we performed this type of wrist prosthesis for the first time in a public hospital in Southern Italy on a young, active patient, for a degenerative pathology which functionally limited the wrist and gave particular pain”, explains the director of the orthopedics and traumatology operational unit of the Bari Polyclinic. Before the operation, the dialogue between the patient and the medical team is decisive to evaluate the different possibilities of intervention. In fact, among the various surgical treatment options there was also “an arthrodesis between the carpal bones of the wrist, which would have resulted in stopping the pain but blocking the joint”. The 57-year-old instead asked for an operation capable of restoring movement as much as possible”, and now, having implanted the prosthesis, the interested party “is able to move the limb without any more pain and no limitation to his working activity”, explained the orthopedic surgeon Francesco Rifino who performed the operation.

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