Roberto Baggio, robbery in a villa during Italy-Spain: hit with the butt of a gun

Roberto Baggio, robbery in a villa during Italy-Spain: hit with the butt of a gun
Roberto Baggio, robbery in a villa during Italy-Spain: hit with the butt of a gun

Robbedbeaten and hit with the butt of a gun while his family members they were locked in a room. Roberto Baggio he suffered a violent attack robbery in his villa in Altavilla Vicentina during Italy-Spain. Around 10pm, a gang made up of 5 people – all armed – entered the house of the Divine Codino to steal clocksjewelry and money.

The former footballer has signed a scuffle and it was hit in the forehead with the butt of a gun. So for further 40 minutes it was rlocked in a room together with family members. When she realized that i criminals they had disappeared, he broke down the door and raised the alarm by calling the carabinieri. The military personnel acquired the images from the video cameras and started investigations. At the moment the number has not yet been quantified value of the loot.

The former national team playmaker was brought to emergency room Of Arzignanowhere some were applied to him stitches in front of. The Golden Ballnative of Hot (Vicenza), has been living in his home for about 15 years agricultural estatewhich is located on a hill which overlooks Altavilla Vicentina. The villa is isolated and is in the center of a large plot of countryside and woods. Roberto Baggio lives with his wife Andreina and his three children.

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