Romagna political laboratory. The councilors for slowness, anti-fascism and birth rate have been appointed

Romagna political laboratory. The councilors for slowness, anti-fascism and birth rate have been appointed
Romagna political laboratory. The councilors for slowness, anti-fascism and birth rate have been appointed

In the increasingly social politics of posts and tweets, here comes from the small town of Roncofreddo (Forlì-Cesena) comes a counter-trend gesture which, given the times, appears almost revolutionary: “slowness as a political act”.

Yes, because yesterday the mayor Sara Bartolini, just reconfirmed with 53.42% of the votes, announced that in her new council there will also be a councilor for slowness who will be Federico Franchini, who, obviously, will also have other delegations such as school, participation for shared governance and sustainability.

In the past, the politics of the Bel Paese had offered similar cases – see delegations to beauty or kindness, reported in various Italian municipalities – but there is no trace of a council that relied on the recovery of slowness as a political virtue and once again Romagna would confirm itself as a singular political laboratory.

«In a world that looks at speed as an inexorable destiny – explains the mayor Bartolini – our objective is to listen in depth to the territories of Roncofreddo and enhance their potential through the conception of Roncofreddo as a hub of slowness. A place (several places) in which people will know they can enjoy the value of slowness which inevitably gives well-being.”

And on this point the mayor seems to have clear ideas: «It will be done – she explains – through the tools on which we can work as a council and council, primarily participation, culture and urban regeneration understood as the redevelopment of public areas. From aesthetics to reach the ethics of slowness.” And Bartolini has already identified the path in which to move. «It will also be a tribute and an outstretched arm to two great enhancers of our territory who certainly had something to do with slowness: Gianfranco Zavalloni (teacher and intellectual who passed away in 2012 ed.) with his “Pedagogy of the Snail” and the sculptor Ilario Fioravanti with his unmistakable artistic and humanistic style linked to the traditions of Romagna”.

From Hagia Sophia, another hilly municipality in the Forlivese area, instead receives a signal on the anti-fascism front. Here the mayor Ilaria Marianini gave councilor Isabel Guidi not only the delegations to welfare, social services, youth policies and digital transition, but also the new delegation to anti-fascism, memory, peace and human rights. «A novelty, even if it should already be a consolidated custom – commented the mayor -. A black and white delegation to underline our values.”

But on the topic of delegations, a singular one also comes from the highly confirmed centre-right mayor of the Cesena town of Villages, Silverio Zavòni, who yesterday gave his councilor Genny Battaglia the delegation of birth control. A choice from another era. Actually, no. Given the Government in office, a decidedly timely delegation.

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