Sit-in in the square against weapons and conference at the Palazzo delle Associazioni

Sit-in in the square against weapons and conference at the Palazzo delle Associazioni
Sit-in in the square against weapons and conference at the Palazzo delle Associazioni

Sit-in on Thursday morning in Piazza della Libertà in Faenza against weapons to promote the meeting scheduled for the evening of June 20th at the Palazzo delle Associazioni, in via Laderchi 3. The evening will talk about local companies accused of contributing to the production of weapons or military vehicles. The event will start at 9pm and is organized by The Weapon WATCH – Observatory on weapons in European and Mediterranean ports, eco-logical Faenza, Outside NATO and wars, Eco-resistances to change course, Spazi Mirabal

“The tentacles of war, with its massacres of civilians and human and environmental devastation, also start from our territories, from the local industries involved in the supply chain.
But does being a cog in this chain make you less responsible for the final use of the weapon?” the organizers ask themselves.

“We will talk about the local companies involved in the war sector: Curti Costruzioni Meccaniche of Castel Bolognese, supplier of Leonardo for the Helicopters division and the Defense division, in the naval and land fields, (a division which is expanding with new weapons), exporter of parts spare parts for self-propelled howitzers (sent from Germany to Ukraine) and winner of orders from the Ministry of Defense for the design of high-tech military drones; NPC of Imola, with its nanosatellites for (also) military use, designed together with universities and others.
Between space, sea and land, the chain of weapons does not stop.
What can we do as workers and civil society to break the chain, stop the escalation and not collaborate?”

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