Giving birth without pain is possible in Cremona

The online appointment with the birth path of the Cremona Asst continues. This week the topic addressed is childbirth analgesia, an anesthetic technique that reduces the pain of childbirth explained by Dr. Caterina Giuliano (Anesthesiologist at Cremona Hospital).

The perception and tolerance of pain are factors that vary from person to person and the choice to face the pain-free birth experience is completely individual. Making an assessment of suitability for possible anesthesia during childbirth is not binding, you can always change your mind.

«For us, collecting all the information on the woman’s health in advance is very useful – explains Giuliano – it allows us to speed up the application of the procedure at the time of birth. The technique used to eliminate pain is the epidural, a procedure that leaves skin sensitivity, motor capacity and above all the perception of uterine contractions unaltered.”
«To date, in our structure – specifies Aldo Riccardi (director of the maternal and child department) 30% of women who choose natural childbirth opt for childbirth analgesia. A possibility that we feel we are promoting because, while reducing the pain, it preserves the essence of this unique and unrepeatable experience for the woman and the entire family unit.”
«To receive the assessment of suitability for childbirth analgesia and to be able to plan it before childbirth, it is necessary to make an appointment from the 30th to the 35th week of pregnancy, by calling 0372 405638, from Monday to Friday, from 12.00 to 13.30″, highlights Naike Marcotti (Coordinator of the Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinics of Cremona). The assessment process for childbirth analgesia is free and does not require a doctor’s referral.

«On the day of the appointment the future mother will have to go, between 7.00 and 7.30 in the morning, to the Cup counters of the Cremona Hospital – adds Elena Botteselle (Central Operations Coordinator for Surgical Activities Planning, Cremona Hospital). The operators will place you on the waiting list and generate the medical record. Once acceptance is complete, you will need to go to the obstetrics clinics (7th floor, right side elevators). Here the blood tests (blood count and coagulation), the electrocardiogram (ECG) and the anesthetic evaluation which consists of the visit and informational interview with the anesthesiologist will be carried out”.

The path is the result of multidisciplinary collaboration between the healthcare and administrative areas which involved the Obstetrics and Gynecology departments, the Operational Management, the Reception Area – Cup, the Welfare Management of the social and healthcare professions, the Medical Management and the Anesthesia and resuscitation directed by Enrico Storti.

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