announced the extension for the summer

announced the extension for the summer
announced the extension for the summer

Two more hours for city parks in the wake of the experience lived (already) since April for the reopening of the Mercatello Park with a new face. No longer at 10pm, therefore, but for Arbostella, Galiziano and Galloppo parks (in the eastern area) the gates will close at midnight to allow citizens and tourists to better enjoy the green areas of the city – obviously in total relaxation and in the fresh air city ​​of Arechi.

The municipal administration itself announced it with an official note: «From Monday 1 July, the closing times of the city parks will change Municipality of Salerno». It is also reported the member of the council Massimiliano Natella: «During the summer period – explained the councilor for the environment, Massimiliano Natella – we thought about extending the opening of the parks in our area. In fact, until October 31st, the Galiziano, Arbostella and Galloppo parks (as has been the case for the Mercatello park since April 29th) will close at midnight. The gates of the other parks and gardens, however, will be closed at 11pm. The opening hours, however, remain unchanged. We have met, with an effort by the Administration, the many requests of the regular visitors of these green areas”.

A tangible sign of the municipal administration’s listening to that large “section” of citizens who had loudly requested an extension of opening hours in recent weeks: «Since the inauguration of the Mercatello park – he added Mayor Vincenzo Napoli – we have registered a great desire from our fellow citizens to experience the many parks located in the city. In conjunction with the summer period, therefore, there are many families, children, athletes, with four-legged friends who love to spend a few more evening hours in the parks. For this reason we have decided to vary the closing time until the end of October».

An announcement that was also published on social media by the mayor himself who received not only many comments of gratitude and satisfaction but also many requests for greater maintenance and attention not only for the parks in question but also for those in other areas of the city, including those in the hilly districts in particular and in peripheral areas which, as reported, live in conditions of abandonment and little security. From the Pinocchio park at the municipal villa of Fratte repeatedly brought to the attention of residents of the area who have launched an SOS to the administration of the entity of Via Roma, passing through Giovi and the high areas, a list that many citizens have reported in the comments on social media. But there are also those who fight against the incivility of many citizens and hope “also for the collaboration of citizens. Let them leave the parks – they write – as they found them”.


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