Torre del Greco – Feast of the Four Altars: two initiatives of the Youth Forum

Torre del Greco – Feast of the Four Altars: two initiatives of the Youth Forum
Torre del Greco – Feast of the Four Altars: two initiatives of the Youth Forum

The call for tenders launched by the Youth Forum of Torre del Greco for the exhibition of young artists during the Feast of the Four Altarsscheduled for July 19, 20 and 21 in Greek’s tower.

As directed by the artistic director Gigi Di Lucathe youth representative body will have a slot available within the schedule “Torre Music Club”, set for Friday 19 July, as announced in the press conference on Tuesday 2 July.

Il Youth Forum will therefore launch the first edition of the “Forum Young Festival”, a project for the performance of young local artists aged 16 to 34. Actors, dancers, singers and bands can apply for the competition, launched by the body through its official channels. The Forum councilors will select one artist for the theater category, one for the dance category and five for the music category.

The contest “ has also startedRhythm of summer” – a project through which the Youth Forum will give the opportunity to an artist, in the music category, to perform during the Feast of Sant’Anna. «With these two initiatives the Forum will try to give the opportunity to various artists of the area to emerge, attempting to bring young people closer to Feast of the Four Altarsa tradition of our city that returns after many years. We hope to give a boost to emerging bands, actors, soloists and dancers – explains vice-president Cristiano Borriello -. There are many young artists from Torre del Greco with great talent. Playing around clubs is not easy, it involves expenses and there is a lot of improvisation. This will be an important occasion. I hope, with the help of my colleague David Jobto soon propose projects of this kind again – adds the councilor of the Youth Forum George Cropanocoordinator of the two initiatives -».

The social campaign that the youth representative body will carry out, in collaboration with the IRT association, is also ready to tell the story and the background of the Feast of the Four Altarsin an attempt to bring the younger generation closer to the historic Torre del Greco tradition

“We will give our contribution by trying to tell this solemn celebration through our official channels. We thank the administration and the artistic director for their collaboration. The “Forum Young Festival” and “Ritmo d’estate” are two projects that certify our attention towards emerging artists” – concludes the president Alfredo Izzo.

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