Massa, summer centers starting soon: 500 children ready

MASSA – The municipal administration of Massa informs that starting from 1 July the Municipal Summer Centers for children aged 3 to 14 will open. There are 500 places available. «The primary objective – explains Palazzo civico – is to guarantee a service that meets the needs of all families who request it, in compliance with the criteria and priorities set out in the announcement. To support this important initiative, the administration has allocated a total investment of 285,000 euros. Of this sum, 185,000 euros are intended for the general management of the summer camps, while the remaining 100,000 euros are specifically dedicated to supporting the participation of children with disabilities.”

«This economic commitment – ​​continues the Municipality – reflects the administration’s desire to support the greatest possible number of requesting families, promoting inclusion and respecting the initial quality standards established. It should be noted that compared to the initial 190 places expected in 2020, in 2023 the places were increased to 380 and, following a budget change to allocate the necessary resources, increased to 500, a number also confirmed for the year 2024 and which , in percentage, is equal to or even higher than that made available today by large neighboring Tuscan municipalities. The administration, in collaboration with the associations that manage the municipal summer centers, has also introduced some new improvements in transport: the vehicle fleet has been strengthened, increasing both the number and type of vehicles available to facilitate trips and external outings. And also in the canteen service: the cost of meals has been reduced and the management of the service has been optimised, guaranteeing better quality and greater accessibility. The municipal administration will continue to make a strong commitment to offering a high-quality and inclusive service for all young users and their families, improving the offering criteria also based on emerging needs.”

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